Find a top Doc when the patient is suffering from GERD

Adam Lee
2 min readDec 5, 2021


Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common symptom these days. It is a digestive and gastrointestinal symptom. If someone is suffering from GERD, the esophageal lining might be irritated by bile or stomach acid. Often, someone may suffer from heartburn or instances of acid without GERD. Therefore, when someone frequently experiences such symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux, it may be an indication of developing GERD.


You need to find out the most suitable doctor to treat your symptoms first. A local doctor is preferred the most in such cases. If required, a local primary-care physician may help you to consult a specialist. Otherwise, he/she can take care of such health issues. So, this is very important to Find a top Doc to treat such symptoms.

What is heartburn?

Specialists say it is a warm and burning sensation. Usually, it is felt at the upper abdomen and under the breast bones. A wave of irritation starts from the chest and the pain gradually moves upwards to the throat. After eating, the patient feels more irritation. Also, when you are lying down or holding a bent position, it feels annoying. Sometimes, it may also feel like a portion of food is stuck in the throat or chest while swallowing the food. Among pregnant women, this is a very common scenario. Experiencing heartburn once in while is quite common. But when it occurs frequently, it may be an indication of more complex health issues.


Changes need in the lifestyle:

You need to findatopdoc to treat heartburn and need to follow a few health tips.

  • It’s better to avoid going to the bed just after having a meal.
  • Always have a smaller portion of the meal at a time.
  • Try to avoid such foods that may trigger heartburn frequently.
  • Be fit and lose extra weight.
  • Strictly avoid smoking and alcohol.



Adam Lee
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