Changing Eating Habits Leads to Improved Digestive Health!

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4 min readOct 31, 2018


If you are suffering from severe pain in stomach, gastric issues, bloating and other digestive issues, don’t take them lightly!

Your digestive system depends on what kind of diet you are taking? Your food intake is carried to your stomach through the digestive tract and your stomach is responsible for breaking down of food. The digestive disorder occurs when there is a problem in breaking down of your food particles. Improving and maintaining your digestive system is essential for a healthy living. You can fix your digestive problems with the intake of fibers, probiotics, proteins, and minerals. Changing your eating habits may change your effected digestive system into a healthy and happy one.

High Fiber Diet

Food which contains high fiber and rich grains help you in digesting your food very easily. Fiber drags your food through the digestive tract to stomach with proficiency. Grains, vegetables, fruits, lentils or legumes are considered as food rich in fiber. Such diet saves you from constipation, gastric issues, bloating, acidity, bowel irregularity, and other digestive disorders.


Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria which protects your system from bad bacteria. It maintains the balance between good and bad bacteria and supports your immune system, increasing your immunity against different bad bacteria. A meal with probiotics is intestine-friendly as they keep combating bad bacterias for the system to work properly.


Keep your body hydrated as it softens the solid food for easy digestion and cleans the tract and stomach. Add juicy fruits and vegetables like tomato, cucumber, apple, oranges, watermelon, lemon, coconut, strawberry, mango, and grapefruit. Intake of these liquids can save you from stomach bloating, excessive gas issues and other disorders.


Schedule time for exercise in your daily routine. It helps in balancing, stimulating and keeps your food moving which softens the food particles and makes them easy to dissolve. It melts down your body fats and maintains a healthy body weight. Exercise on daily basis stretches the body improves the immune system and reduces the secretion of toxins.

Manage Stress

Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental disorders may lead you to digestion issues. Practice stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, jogging and walking. Take naps to relax your body and mind. These activities combat the stress effectively and give you peace of mind.

Listen to Your Body

Various kinds of disorder tell you about the condition of your body. If you listen to it you will get to know where and what is the exact issue. Understand the needs of your body while noticing the things that affect your body in a suitable or improper manner. You can decide effective diet quickly according to your body requirements. Such changes in your daily diet decrease the risk of digestion disorders.

Chew Thoroughly

Digestive enzymes release with the proper chewing of food. When you properly chew food your mouth produce saliva which softens the food and breaks it down into tiny particles. Enzymes in saliva relax the lower stomach, controls bacterial growth and convert the soften food directly into energy. Chewing improves your teeth health along with the jaw movements, you lose double chin fats.

Avoid Food Sensitivities

Avoid fast food, carbohydrates liquids, gluten, artificial sweeteners, processed food, and start eating fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, beetroot, fermented food, foods rich in nutrition to enjoy a healthy life. Try to drink fresh juices and healthy food.

Add More Water to Your Routine

Water intake has lots of benefits. Adding more water to your daily routine eliminates the toxins and acids from your body and wipes out the waste easily. It softens the food, cleans the digestive tract and moves the food from stomach to small intestine. The small intestine is the most effective adsorbent of nutrients from food. Drinking plenty of water saves you from health issues.

Take Care of Your Liver

If you want your liver to work efficiently and effectively then treat it with healthy vegetables and fruits juices. Avoid spicy food because it irritates the stomach and causes stomach problems. Your liver supports your digestive disorders to recover as fast as possible.


Polar amino acid Glutamine used in the biosynthesis of proteins, lipid synthesis and regulation of acid-base in the body. It is very effective for the digestive system as its required intake gives you a stronger heart, better immunity, supports intestinal health which improves digestion and fights against digestive disorders. This building blocks amino acid can be found in protein-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, spinach, cabbage, celery, parsley, papaya, beans, beet, in dairy products eggs, milk, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish and fermented foods.

Supplements Suit Your Body?

Ask for your doctor’s advice before taking any nutrient-rich supplement whether it is right for you and if yes then ask him/her to suggest you the right amount. There are supplements available in the markets for various deficiencies but the usage without instructions cause fatal side effects. You can consult best Nutritionist & Dietitian about your concerns instantly through It enables you to connect with the best clinical nutritionist in a few clicks. You can book your appointment online through the app of and take online visits as well.

