The Fourth Crisis

Kunal Gupta
5 min readJun 28, 2020

[Listen to me read this reflection here if you prefer audio]

We live in an ocean of crises, each one building on the last, creating a bigger impact changing the world that once was.

It took 3 months for the first one million and 8 days for the next million. This is not about new users for some hot social media app, but infections from the health crisis. The global waves continue and are growing in size, at a time when we are running faster into the ocean. The first crisis.

In the fall, government relief cheques, delayed mortgage payments, eviction bans and savings accounts will dry up for hundreds of millions of people. The economic crisis may have left tens of millions unemployed in its first wave but its second wave may have an even bigger hit. The second crisis.

The social crisis has started with a wave of attention on the anti-Black discrimination that exists in our systems. However, discrimination exists everywhere we look. Expect continuous waves of protest and shaming of our systems that privilege the few, over the many. The third crisis.

A fourth crisis is beginning to emerge. It is a result of the cumulative intensity from the health crisis, the economic crisis and the social crisis. It is a result of taking a moment to pause and reflect on how much change has hit us, in such a short period of time. It…



Kunal Gupta

Business leader, mindfulness teacher, mental health volunteer, full blog at and current projects at