57 Inspirational Tom Brady Quotes

Best Tom Brady Quotes On Life, Winning, Losing, Hard Work, Teamwork, Leadership & Success

Finding The Inspiring
9 min readSep 25, 2021

Do you have any favorite Tom Brady quotes?

Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. is an American football player who plays as a quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tom Brady has won seven Super Bowls and a majority of those victories came when he was playing for the New England Patriots between 2001 and 2019.

There is no doubt that Tom Brady’s achievements have been a source of inspiration to his fellow athletes and followers.

Here are some of the best, famous and inspirational Tom Brady quotes on preparation, life, winning, losing, hard work, teamwork, leadership, success and so much more:

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Tom Brady Preparation Quote

Tom Brady preparation quote

1. I approach every week the same. I think I’ve always tried to be very professional to how I approach the game, my preparation. Every game is important.

-Tom Brady

Best Famous Tom Brady Quotes

best famous Tom Brady quotes

2. Football is unconditional love. -Tom Brady

3. I could talk food all day. I love good food. -Tom Brady

4. Nothing surprises me anymore in the NFL. -Tom Brady

5. I don’t think any country is perfect. It’s our responsibility to do the best we can do to change the things we don’t like. I think that’s part of social responsibility, and everybody is going to do that in their own way.

-Tom Brady

6. I don’t want to say anything negative about anybody or anything or anybody’s political beliefs. I’ve never done that. I’ve never tried to get involved in those things. -Tom Brady

7. We all have experiences in our lives that change us, and we all learn from people, like my dad, but at the end of the day, it’s only us. And we’re only responsible to make ourselves happy. -Tom Brady

8. I think the great part about what I do is that there’s a scoreboard. At the end of every week, you know how you did. You know how well you prepared. You know whether you executed your game plan. There’s a tangible score. -Tom Brady

Inspirational Tom Brady Quotes

inspirational Tom Brady quotes

9. If you don’t believe in yourself why is anyone else going to believe in you? -Tom Brady

10. There are times when you throw an interception and you’re beating yourself up. -Tom Brady

11. I’m not a person who defends myself very often. I kind of let my actions speak for me. -Tom Brady

12. You guys know how many times I have been turned down in my life? To be told how many times that I couldn’t accomplish something? -Tom Brady

13. If I have something to say, I want it to be meaningful. I want to go out there and do the best I can for them.

-Tom Brady

14. I knew I became a professional when I stop paying attention to what time it was. -Tom Brady

15. Don’t rely on others. You’ll have great support from a lot of people, still. But, no one’s going to hand you anything. -Tom Brady

16. I have a memory, and I can just eliminate mistakes when they come up because I’ve already made them. -Tom Brady

17. I’m not really concerned with portraying this tough warrior — I mean, that’s part of my job and I take that very seriously. But I don’t have anything to hide, and I’m not concerned with what people think. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes About Life

Tom Brady quotes about life

18. If you like it you should enjoy it! Moderation in everything. If there’s things you really love, you should enjoy. You get one life, so you should enjoy it. -Tom Brady

19. Life is not living in the suburbs with a white picket fence. That’s not life. Somehow our American culture has made it out that that’s what life needs to be — and that if it’s not that, it’s all screwed up. It’s not. -Tom Brady

20. Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for us not being happy or satisfied or fulfilled. So the point is, we all have choices, and we make the choice to accept people or situations or to not accept situations.

-Tom Brady

21. Your life will be what you make of it. -Tom Brady

22. As you get older, you have more responsibilities; you have more commitments, more events, kids, you’re married now. You still have all the things that you’ve had, plus you just keep adding. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Winning

Tom Brady quotes on winning

23. Mentally, the only players who survive in the pros are the ones able to manage all their responsibilities. Everybody struggles in different ways. -Tom Brady

24. Proper sleep has helped me get to where I am today as an athlete, and it is something that I continue to rely on every day. -Tom Brady

25. The true competitors, though, are the ones who always play to win.

-Tom Brady

26. Every quarterback can throw a ball; every running back can run; every receiver is fast; but that mental toughness that you talk about translates into competitiveness. -Tom Brady

27. I think that at the start of a game, you’re always playing to win, and then maybe if you’re ahead late in the game, you start playing not to lose. The true competitors, though, are the ones who always play to win. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Leadership

Tom Brady quotes on leadership

28. The last person I have ever criticized is an official. They have a tough job to do. Things are happening so quick. -Tom Brady

29. If you’re a quarterback, you want everything on your shoulders. You want to be the one to make the decisions. -Tom Brady

30. When you’re one of the leaders of the team, there are no days off.

-Tom Brady

31. I think I have a certain respect for people, you know. And I guess a lot of times I expect that respect to go both ways. -Tom Brady

32. I can’t do anything with what’s happened in the past. I have to just go forward with the most awareness I can going forward and trying to be the best I can be for our team. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Hard Work

Tom Brady quotes on hard work

33. Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day — it all just hurts. -Tom Brady

34. There’s not much time to unwind, but you know what, it’s because I love what I do. I look forward to the season. I look forward to playing games. It doesn’t ever feel like work. -Tom Brady

35. I just love working hard. I love being part of a team; I love working toward a common goal.

-Tom Brady

36. Things don’t correct themselves, you’ve got to go out there and work hard to correct them. -Tom Brady

37. I always try to do as much as I can do. I’m never a person that does not enough, because I’d regret not doing enough and think I probably could have done more. I probably go too far and have to reel myself back in, which works in some things, and other things it doesn’t work. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Success

Tom Brady quotes on success

38. You put all the other stuff aside and go out and do your job, and mine is to be the best I can be for my teammates. -Tom Brady

39. Because my career is so important, I think I make a lot of — I wouldn’t call them sacrifices, but just concessions for my job. I love what I do, and I want to do it for a long time. -Tom Brady

40. If you don’t play to win don’t play at all.

-Tom Brady

41. A lot of times I find that people who are blessed with the most talent don’t ever develop that attitude, and the ones who aren’t blessed in that way are the most competitive and have the biggest heart. -Tom Brady

42. I really do just want to win, and that has and will continue to be the reason that motivates me and is the biggest factor in my decision-making process. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Teamwork

Tom Brady quotes on teamwork

43. It’s amazing, the culture Coach Belichick has been able to create in our system. -Tom Brady

44. I try to encourage all my teammates, and I sure hope that some day all athletes — my kids, high school kids — get the same level of care I get. Because you can play for a long period of time without having knee replacements, without having all the major head trauma that people are dealing with. -Tom Brady

45. You have to believe in your process. You have to believe in the things that you are doing to help the team win. I think you have to take the good with the bad.

-Tom Brady

46. I’ve always been privileged to play for Coach Belichick, who I’ve always said is the best coach in the history of the league. -Tom Brady

47. To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it’s digging deep, it’s doing whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes and forms. -Tom Brady

48. My job is to play quarterback and I’m going to do that the best way I know how because I owe that to my teammates regardless or who is out there on the field with me. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Losing

Tom Brady quotes on losing

49. I’m a pretty good winner. I’m a terrible loser. And I rub it in pretty good when I win. -Tom Brady

50. You never get over losses. I’ve never gotten over one loss I’ve had in my career. They always stick with me.

-Tom Brady

51. Believe me, I’m much easier to be around when we win than when we lose. -Tom Brady

Tom Brady Quotes On Practice

Tom Brady quotes on practice

52. You push your body to the limits, but you have to train your body to deal with the limits. -Tom Brady

53. I really love training and being in good shape, and it’s so much a part of my life now, so it never really feels like work to me. -Tom Brady

54. I firmly believe that sleep and recovery are critical aspects of an effective and holistic training program. -Tom Brady

55. After the first day of practice, there’s not one guy who’s playing at 100 percent or who feels great. Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day — it just hurts.

-Tom Brady

56. It’s a real strength for me that I’ve never minded the training process. It’s something I enjoy. I really like being in the gym or, certainly, on the field. -Tom Brady

57. Every action has a consequence. It may be good for strengthening. And I have no doubt that lifting a lot of weights can get you stronger. I just don’t know if lifting stronger weights can keep you healthy, or it can keep you doing your job better, especially for a pro athlete. -Tom Brady



Finding The Inspiring

Self Developement, Motivation & Inspiration