Beat the Heat: Tips to Prevent From Phone Overheating

4 min readJun 22, 2023


Phone Overheating? Beat the Heat with These Tips

Phone overheating is a common issue faced by many smartphone users. This phenomenon not only disrupts your usage but can also cause long-term damage to your device. But don’t worry, this blog provides an in-depth look at some useful tips to help prevent your phone from overheating. By implementing these methods, you can ensure your device runs smoothly and lasts longer. If you need any assistance regarding your phone, cars, appliances and more then do contact us at Find My Service Center and book your repair with us.

Understanding Phone Overheating

Firstly, let’s understand why phone overheating occurs. Several factors can contribute to this issue. These include excessive usage, running high-performance applications, charging the device for extended periods, or simply being in a hot environment. However, knowing how to mitigate these factors can significantly reduce the chances of your phone overheating.

Limit the Use of Power-Intensive Apps

One of the primary culprits of phone overheating is the overuse of power-intensive applications. Games with high-resolution graphics, video streaming apps, or any software that uses a lot of your phone’s resources can cause it to overheat. Therefore, try to limit your usage of these applications, especially when your device is already hot.

Keep Your Phone Out of Direct Sunlight

Another simple yet effective way to prevent your phone from overheating is to avoid direct sunlight. Direct exposure to the sun can cause your phone to heat up quickly. Consequently, when you’re outdoors, make sure to keep your device in the shade or inside a bag to protect it from the heat.

Efficient Charging Practices

Many people are unaware that the way they charge their devices can also contribute to phone overheating. Therefore, it’s vital to adopt efficient charging practices.

Remove Your Phone Case While Charging

Phone cases, especially those made of plastic or other insulating materials, can trap heat. Hence, if you notice your phone heating up while charging, try removing the case. This will allow the heat to dissipate faster, thus preventing overheating.

Avoid Using Your Phone While Charging

Furthermore, using your phone while it’s charging can cause it to heat up. This is because the device is working twice as hard — running applications and charging at the same time. Therefore, to avoid this, try not to use your phone while it’s charging. If you need assistance with your phone then contact us on Find My Service Center in the Phone section to book your Phone Repair with us.

Regular Updates and Maintenance

Last but not least, regular software updates and maintenance can help prevent phone overheating. Updates often contain fixes for bugs that might cause the device to overheat.

Keep Your Software Updated

Always keep your device updated to the latest software version. Software updates often come with patches for bugs and performance improvements, which can help in reducing the overheating problem.

Clear Cache and Unnecessary Files

Over time, your device accumulates cache and unnecessary files that take up space and can cause your phone to heat up. Regularly clearing these files can help maintain your phone’s performance and prevent overheating.

Proper Hardware Care

Phone overheating

Hardware management is as essential as software maintenance in preventing phone overheating. The way you handle your phone can have a significant impact on its temperature.

Avoid Overcrowding Your Phone Storage

Your phone’s storage space isn’t unlimited. Continually stuffing it with apps, photos, and videos makes your device work harder, generating more heat. Try to keep your phone’s storage at least 20% free to prevent overheating and maintain optimal performance. You can also read this blog here: “Phone Overheating? Beat the Heat with These Tips”.

Clean Your Phone Regularly

Physical cleanliness of your phone can also play a part in controlling its temperature. Dust and debris can block your phone’s vents, trapping heat inside. Make it a habit to clean your phone gently with a soft cloth or an air duster to keep the vents clear and heat flowing out.

Optimizing Phone Settings

Some features and settings on your phone can also contribute to overheating. By adjusting these, you can optimize your device’s performance and keep it cool.

Adjust Your Screen Brightness

Running your screen at full brightness can demand a lot from your phone’s processor and drain your battery faster, leading to overheating. A simple adjustment to a lower brightness level, or enabling auto-brightness, can help manage the heat output. You might like reading this: “Cell Phone Repair: An Essential Guide for Smartphone Users”.

Turn Off Unnecessary Functions

Features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and mobile data can generate a lot of heat when left on all the time, especially if they’re not in use. Consider turning these functions off when you’re not using them to help keep your phone cool.

Implementing these tips, along with the previous ones, can go a long way in preventing your phone from overheating, ensuring it runs efficiently, and prolonging its lifespan.


In conclusion, preventing phone overheating is not a herculean task. It involves being mindful of the apps you use, how you charge your device, and the importance of regular

