Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2024

Finley Loving Empath
7 min readJul 29, 2024

As the summer of 2024 unfolds, the astrological landscape for Sagittarius is marked by a dynamic blend of energies that will challenge you to navigate personal growth, relationships, and professional opportunities.

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2024

Planetary Alignments

Sun in Leo

The sun continues its journey through the fiery sign of Leo until August 22nd, highlighting your social and creative sectors. This transit encourages you to express your passions, connect with others, and embrace your natural optimism and adventurous spirit.

Mercury Retrograde

On August 4th, Mercury, the planet of communication, begins its retrograde phase, which will last until August 28th. This retrograde period will first occur in the sign of Virgo, and then dip back into Leo, affecting your self-expression, daily routines, and intellectual pursuits.

Venus in Virgo

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, also enters the sign of Virgo on August 4th, emphasizing your focus on practical matters, self-care, and financial stability. This transit can bring a more analytical and discerning approach to your relationships and resources.

T-Square Involving Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn



Finley Loving Empath

I have an innate ability to connect deeply with others' emotions. Tarot Reader, Blogger, Writer