Arisebank, my “2 cents” based on the chat in the PIVX arisebank channel and some research done over the internet

Sokol Mihajlovic
6 min readDec 30, 2017

I was invested in PIVX, and was regular guest in the discord-channel of PIVX.
A few days ago PIVX suddenly, at least I did not catch that, announced the cooperation with Arisebank, at least, although I was a few times on the day on the channel, without any major discussion among the “pivians” and no masternote-voting has been done, whether this is a good idea or not. At least, as far as I know. Somehow the leading pivians decided to go for it, and others followed.
When I first heard about it in the PIVX discord-channel about Arisebank I looked at their homepage. First I did not understand, what exactly they want to do, somehow everything at once. How this could possibly work, I asked myself. Then I asked myself, they want to offer banking services, actually everything a bank today provides. Do they have a licence to do so, and if not, do they have a document from the regulators, where they want to operate, providing proof, that they are exempt from the need of having a banking licence for providing banking services.

Than I found some orthographical mistakes on their site, and I saw in the disclaimer at the button of their site, that they claim to be “Arisebank, Gmhb”.
Means “Gmhb” actually “GmbH”? I decided for me, that this is not a company or security I want to invest, even if they promise to deliver huge returns in the future on a ongoing, if applied too, on a daily bases, because I am very sensible to such mistakes.

Well I live in Germany and I am a financial adviser since 2004. That said, I think I am somewhat familar with the company designation regulations in Germany. The regulations in Austria and Switzerland regarding “GmbH” are similar.
Long story short, for founding a company and get registered in Germany/Austria/Switzerland there are rules and laws to be followed, as in every country in the world I guess. Laws see e.g.“Rechtsvorschrift gemäß HGB”, . Every “GmbH” in Germany/Austria/Switzerland must display in all legal documents and on their homepage the correct form of their name. The form “Arisebank, Gmhb” is not allowed. First a comma between the name and “GmbH” is not allowed and “GmbH” must be written as such (last letter in the end “H”) and not otherwise.

In addition to that I checked, whether a “GmbH”-company with the Name Arisebank exists in Germany/Austria/Switzerland. There is none at the date 29.12.2017.
Yesterday (29.12.2017) in the chat in the discord-channel of PIVX#arisebank I posted this finding and ask the user “Arisebank”, I guess that behind the user name “Arisebank” is Jared Rice, if he has registered a company in Germany or elsewhere as a “GmbH”. He answered, that this was the old version, and they update this. Whatever this means “old version”?

Pretending to have a “GmbH”, but not actually having it, is a punishable act in Germany, see among other e.g. §179 BGB.

I ask him to show me his HGB number, every GmbH company has a HGB number in Germany/Austria/Switzerland, but he answered that the company is now registered in the US. Ok then, I asked him to show me the US registration, but I got no answer to that.
But actually yesterday (29.12.2017) they changed the disclaimer on their homepage, now not containing either “Gmhb” or “Inc.”. So what kind of company is Arise Bank? Where are they registered? In which form? What is their actually name “Arisebank” or “Arise bank” or “Arise Bank”? I don’t know.

Additionally I got yesterday (29.12.2017) evening thrown out of the discord-channel of PIVX. Why?

Obviously I asked to many uncomfortable questions. And surprisingly for me, the leading “pivians” were pretty positive to Arisebank, and not willing to consider the critical questions the users had, not just me actually. Usually they did so on other themes, but regarding Arisebank not. Why? So it was logical to throw me out.

Another thing is, Arisebank claims to have a partnership or cooperation with bitshares. I tried to find an official document from bitshares, which proves this claim of Arisebank. But I could not find one, from the leading members of bitshares. But I did find negative comments on Arisebank, displayed in Google-search, which were deleted when one opens the link to the forum of bitshares. Obviously someone in leading position in the bitshares does not like having negative comments on Arisebank.
So why the leading pivians and the leading bitshares-guys do not want critical questions and comments on Arisebank?
Why they delete negative comments or throw out members who once loved PIVX and were very positive on this project (PIVX) over months?

Now I don’t own PIVX anymore.

What is Arisebank claiming to have and promising? Arisebank founded by Jared Rice, who ran a cloud service in Dallas ( and a bunch of other names) and Stanley Ford, who worked for Alderley FZE, a company in Abu Dhabi working with oil explorations companies.

Well they (Arisebank) claim to have banking service system or software (?!), offering banking services without the need of a banking licence, as they say. But for example, in Switzerland the Finma clearly says, what kind of business needs a banking licence I have choosen Switzerland, because Arisebank claims to be based in Zug (Switzerland), among other places too (How so?). Can they prove by a legal document from the regulators, that they are based in Zug and other places? The Finma states clearly that an entity, which offers banking services needs an approval from them to be allowed to do so in Switzerland. The exact form, please refer to the link shown above.

Another claim is to have developed a trading bot, which delivers automatically gains on a daily basis by predicting future movements of cryptocurrencies. I have not unterstand yet, how a bot can predict the future, that is clearly well above my comprehension, I am not a genius.

They claim to have a Visa Card offering, with a special way to fulfill the KYC/Aml requirements. With AriseID (tm). Everywhere on the homepage is this (tm) thing attached to their products they claim to have developed. Do they have this registering of the trade marks done, in that short time frame, they started the project (see their whitepaper) in March this year 2017, and can show this registration and the prove?

Actually it would takes several pages just to describe, what they all claim to have developed (just in a few months time), from a new blockchain (based on #rise technology as shown in their facebook site, but also based on #ARK and #Lisk as user “Arisebank” mentioned on the PIVX#arisebank channel, how this can work I don’t know, beacause #Rise uses completely different blockchain system then e.g. #Ark).

And a exchange for 700 cryptocurrencies with then several hundred-tausend of trading pairs, where other exchanges suffer to provide enough necessary liquidity, so that an exchange can work with low spreads and low fees, for only handful currencies. Other working exchanges reduce the offer to just 15 trading pairs (e.g. to ensure enough liquidity. But Arisebank wants to do this with 700 cryptocurrencies several hundred-tausend of trading pairs and without fees on the exchange. How this can work, is beyond my comprehension.

A mobile phone for around 100$ based with an operating system based on blockchain, somehow I did not understand that. Blockchain-systems have many advantages and many downfalls, e.g. one of them is being pretty slow. How could possibly a mobile phone work on the blockchain-system is far beyond my comprehension. And so on and so forth.

A lot of claims, but not one working product not being in Beta, except for the ICO and being able to collect money without any KYC/AML or any limits how much people can invest in.

Official goal is to collect 1 B$, as mentioned in the chat (PIVX#arisebank) and in the whitepaper. Well a lot of money for the handful guys/gals which have wforked for a few months.

Update 31.12.2017
In the white paper of Arisebank, on every page at the bottom is stated quote “© 2017 Arise Bank, all rights reserved. The AriseBank, AriseCoin, AriseCard, ArisePay, aOS, aEx, aIExchanger,
aTransfer, aCharts, AriseID, CoinSecure, CoinPin, Thumbcoin, CoinFace, RISE and RISE Network names
and/or terms are trademarked intellectual property registered to AriseBank Ltd in multiple countries
including The United States of America.”

Actually the company name must be written with “Ltd.” and not with “Ltd”. A search for “AriseBank” as a Ltd. company at did not yielded any result. A search of any above mentioned trademarks did not yield a result either.
For example “RISE Network” is registered for another company in the US.



Sokol Mihajlovic

Financial Adviser, liberitarian, father of a family with two gorgeous sons, interested in economy, people and how money works