Eugenics Rises Again

Emily Rose
5 min readNov 14, 2019
George Bernard Shaw, 1936

George Bernard Shaw would be so proud of where our Government and Modern Medicine — deftly steered by the well-oiled machinations of PROP, the CDC, the FDA, the DEA, State Medical Boards, — is heading. But I suspect he would think it’s going too slowly.

In his mind, rather than let us die slowly from untreated pain and the continued decline of our health and physical function, or barbarically be forced to commit suicide by our own hand, those of us who can’t be “fixed” enough to “justify” our existence and “quantifiable value” to society — should just be promptly, humanely, marched into the gas chambers.

His fellow Eugenics compatriots — Margaret Sanger, Charles Darwin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, H.G. Wells, among other influential personages who campaigned for this evil in the past — would also be cheering.

“A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people’s time to look after them.”

(George Bernard Shaw, Lecture to the Eugenics Education Society, Reported in The Daily Express, March 4, 1910.)

“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”

(George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.)

Yes. That old, dead horse, Eugenics, seems to be coming back all over again with a vengeance for the disabled, infirm, veterans, and basically all who are seen as draining too much from the system. Our use has passed. Our value is no longer calculable in dollars and cents. Therefore, we will be denied ethical care ’til we die of our diseases/incurable illnesses/injuries/physical pain, or die by suicide. No one really cares HOW we die, just THAT we die. And while we are waiting to die, that we — by ALL MEANS — STOP over-using the medical system!

This is really why we are routinely treated with such contempt and cruelty and regularly denied care. Because eventually, you will no longer keep going to doctors and hospitals for help, because you are no longer willing to accept that kind of abuse. The psychological warfare that is being waged, is MEANT to discourage and drive us away from seeking medical care, no matter how desperately we need it.

The media campaigns full of propaganda and lies, are MEANT to drive families and loved ones apart — to destroy support systems that pain patients may yet have. Because if they are really just “junkies,” friends and loved ones are doing them no favors by “enabling” them. Compassion, empathy, and ethics have left the building!

Modern day Eugenicists like Anna Lembke, proud PROP member and Professor at Stanford, has MANY disparaging things to say about pain patients and the doctors who dare to still treat them. But here’s a gem that stands out:

“Doctors and health care institutions are complicit in the medicalization of poverty that encourages the creation of professional patients.”

(Anna Lembke, Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why It’s So Hard to Stop)

Another notable tidbit from her is the following.

“Patients have figured out that by adopting the sick role and signing up for disability, they can pay their bills and yet in order to validate the sick role status, they have to participate in the healthcare system, which means taking certain types of pills.”

(Dr. Anna Lembke Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford)

Of course, by “certain pills,” she means prescription pain medication. One of her fellow PROP anti-opioid zealots, Andrew Kolodny, likes to call those “certain pills,” “little heroin pills.” Which tells you EXACTLY what HE thinks of medical patients who need them for the ethical treatment of acute, chronic, and/or intractable pain in order to have SOME semblance of quality of life.

Yes. These folks are cut from the same cloth as Eugenicists of old. The ones who inspired Hitler’s gas chambers and his maniacal desire to create his Aryan Race. We must NEVER forget, that BEFORE Hitler came for the Jews — and then everyone else — he murdered thousands of the disabled and the infirm.

And what is Eugenics REALLY about? It is about money, power, social engineering on a massive, totalitarian scale, and the devaluation of ANY human life that does not — on paper — contribute enough to society, or fit in with the overall vision. And who decides who contributes enough? Which humans fit into the vision? Those in power. EVERYONE ELSE is expendable.

THIS is what our Government — and those pushing this anti-opioid agenda that is taking over our healthcare systems by storm, and systematically destroying the very foundations of medical ethics, using the Media to spread its lies and propaganda — is ALL about. Money, power, denying care to the “undesirables,” and DECIDING who deserves to live and receive care, and who doesn’t. This is the Death Panels. This is GENOCIDE.

And make no mistake, they REALLY do think they know what’s best. I will leave you with one last chilling quote from Lembke,

“The prescription drug epidemic is a symptom of a faltering health care system. The solution is rethinking how health care is delivered.”

And oh, are they EVER! It’s a brave new world.



Emily Rose

Graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Artist, writer, creator, deep thinker, and accidental patient advocate. Coffee always helps :-)