Unofficial Fallout RPG Changelog #1

Tristan Finn Berg
3 min readAug 14, 2020


How’s it going, everybody? Enjoying 2020? Good to hear that! Well while you were busy with that, I was busy improving the Unofficial Fallout RPG.

After reading your questions, comments, concerns, and rude remarks (just kidding. You guys have been nice), I’ve made some changes to the rules. For an easier to read PDF of these changes, click here.

If you’re lazy and are cool with reading them without all the cool symbols I use, then just keep on reading.

NOTE: there are some other updates after the rules changes.

Version 0.7.1

Download the new rules here.

Download character sheets here.



  • Added “For Automatic weapons, count the total damage dealt rather than each individual shot,” to Crippling rules.
  • Fixed some wording under the Crippled Limbs Guide table.


  • Changed various CAPS costs for weapons.
  • Changed various DMG’s for Auto weapons.

These may be changed again during the next few updates.

  • Added “For effects that increase damage, add that damage to the first damage type shown on the affected weapon.
  • Highlighted more Hardcore effects in red.
  • Added glasses so that the trait FOUR EYES actually works.


  • Added art and flavor-text to various perks.

Changed ranks II and III:

RANK II: Your Automatic weapons now fire an additional 2 shots per attack.

RANK III: If you roll a 15 or higher on a CtH roll with an Automatic weapon, those shots will ignore 1 BAL RES, MEL RES, ENR RES, RAD RES, and EXP RES.

  • Changed the wording on ACTION HERO so that it makes more sense.


  • Added SYNTH trait for Humans.

Whether you know it or not, you’re a synthetic Human constructed by The Institute. Your creators wanted you to succeed and gave you an additional 50 CAPS to start with. At the start of every session, the Overseer will secretly do a roll. If they roll 5 or lower (or decide it would make the current session more interesting), the Institute will appear at some point in the session to attempt to bring you back to their HQ.

  • Added some images.


  • Leveling up rules given their own page. Their original page no longer says “Dress to please or ‘oh god she has no clothes on but oooh that’s a nice gun!’” You’re welcome.

If you didn’t find the accidentally hidden leveling up rules, here you go:

At the end or start of a normal session, or in the middle of a long session, each character’s level goes up by one. When a player levels up their character, they do two of the following options. They may choose the same option more than once:

- Increase the Rank of a perk you didn’t choose this level or haven’t already increased this level.

- Choose a new Perk that you have the SPECIAL and Race requirement for.

- Increase a SPECIAL stat by 1.

There is no maximum level or rank for a SPECIAL stat.

  • Corrected the way starting CAPS are determined. Now includes adding LCK with CHR.

New equation:

Starting CAPS = 4D6 x (LCK + CHR)


I am currently working on a short campaign for playtesting that will eventually be made available to everybody. So far it has an interesting setting, a pair of opposing factions, and a cool general plot. The one preview I’ll give you is the title.


Yeah, not the greatest spoiler, is it? Well, too bad.

In the meantime, feel free to share with me any feedback you have from your own thrown together campaigns.

I’ll hopefully have the time sometime soon to discuss some of my design goals, philosophy, and choices that I made with this game, so also look forward to reading about that.

Thanks for reading!

