My List of 7 Must Reads - Even If You’re “Not A Reader”

Fin Sheridan
4 min readDec 27, 2017

This year, I set myself a little book challenge - 30 books in 2017. Currently, I am on book 27 and 28 at the same time, and probably should be reading right now if I want to finish the challenge!

After finishing each book, I’ve posted it on my InstaStory with a couple of brief thoughts and a rating. Whilst I suspected this might be annoying, the brevity of the InstaStory meant that my followers could suffer through it. What I wasn’t expecting, however, was the many conversations about books that have followed each post. People discussing the books we’ve both read, recommendations flying back and forth and messages asking for books on ‘Topic X’.

With that in mind, rather than giving you my ‘best books of 2017’ so you can read them, here’s a more excellent way. Here’s some the books I wish you would read: books that have shaped me, challenged me and books that I regularly revisit. There’s some variety here and each book is worth reading, whether you’re a keen reader of a subject or just a ‘browser of all trades’ type. Enjoy!

The Secret Chord — Geraldine Brooks (Bible character fiction)

This had me captivated. As a young boy, me and my brothers would often dress up as biblical characters, especially King David. I have clear memories of defeating many Philistine armies in my back garden. This fictional story of David’s rise and reign, told by the prophet Nathan, was biblically rooted and absolutely brilliant.

Living in Christ’s Presence: Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God — Dallas Willard (Part interview transcription-part theology)

This is the book that shaped Soul Keeping (for those of you who enjoy reading what your favourite writers read). Almost all of mine is underlined, it’s short and each sentence feels like a juicy slice of beef brisket. It covers a broad range of subjects and has shaped me in many ways.

Practicing The Power — Sam Storms (Non Fiction, The Holy Spirit)

If you’re still reading then well done! This book was my best of the year and is now a favourite of all time. I was brought up in a wildly Pentecostal yet strict Brethren, almost Puritan home, so my faith has always been shaped by signs and wonders, whilst memorising large portions of Romans. I have many dear friends (including my wife) who are on a journey with the more supernatural elements of Christianity; tongues, prophecy, miracles etc.

This book was:

a) affirming for me in terms of what I believe and strongly biblical in terms of belief and practices

b) helpful because it gave me good, thoughtful language for the questions I find myself being asked.

c) galvanising in that it made me want to see more. More prayer and study of the Word in my own life, more miracles and healings when I pray for them, more confidence imparted to those I lead in those things, more of the manifest Presence and glory of God in the meetings and churches I’m a part of! More, Lord!

Hosting The Presence — Bill Johnson (Non Fiction, The Holy Spirit)

I don’t agree with everything he teaches, nor did I love everything in this book but I do know this: He knows God better than I do and God does more through him so I have something to learn. This book about a life with the Holy Spirit will leave you hungry for more of God in your life.

Power Through Prayer — E. M. Bounds (Non Fiction — Prayer)

Still the best thing I’ve ever read on prayer. I crave the life he talks about here.

Looking For Alaska — John Green (Novel, YA Fiction)

This is a teenage angst novel and, if you know me, you know I’m partial to a bit of angst. Fans of ‘Perks of Being A Wallflower’ and Keaton Henson will enjoy this.

The Speechwriter — Barton Swain (Memoir, US Politics)

If you’re still reading, then well done! This was like a West Wing episode in a book. Swain was a speechwriter for an South Carolina Governor and his short, funny BTS descriptions into the political world in America were a great holiday read. Insight + humour + Southern life = joy!

That’s it for now: although I’m sure I’ll add to my list. By the way, I’m always up for talking books (or faith, life and pretty much most things. Except my Fantasy Football season. That was a train wreck). You can contact me on Twitter, follow me on Instagram or let’s hang out with a coffee AND a cake.

