AMPHIBIAN A.I. — Patent Search Tool that’s “unbeatable”​ by humans


There is a new patent search tool that uses the strategic combination of (1) multiple embedded Artificial Intelligence search modules and (2) the most experienced patent searchers in the industry to manipulate and interrogate the multiple A.I. modules. The composite system is what we’ve decided to call AMPHIBIAN A.I.

We’ve performed benchmark comparisons to searches performed by strictly human patent searchers and in every case, AMPHIBIAN A.I. has performed better. This is a profound testament to how far A.I.-based searching has come. And we believe that in the near future (2–5 years), strictly A.I. patent searching will be the new normal.

We call it AMPHIBIAN A.I. because this search tool carries us through the awkward phase between fully human patent search and fully Artificial Intelligence-based patent search. An analogy would be (and I’m hoping some readers have watched the Elon Musk / Joe Rogan interview, because I give credit to musk for inspiring this thought) how amphibians, i.e. salamanders, frogs, toads and newts, evolved from fully aquatic species such as fish, and they served a purpose in evolution, that is, to eventually further develop adaptation to live fully on land.

AMPHIBIAN A.I. has thus far proven:

1- It is “unbeatable” by human patent searchers.

2- It provides better search results. That means more relevant prior art references, less human-error in the form of “accidentally missing” critically important prior art references. This is a critical issue for Patent Attorneys and Intellectual Property Litigators. Once they become hip to the seismic shift in patent search result quality, nobody will hire normal searchers again.

3- That Patent Search can consistently be performed in about half the time compared to a human-only searcher.

4-And perhaps best of all (depending on how you look at it), the financial cost of performing a patent search using AMPHIBIAN A.I. is a fraction of what a customer is charged at one of the big 5 patent search firms.

This truly is disruptive technology. I’ve only recently begun to understand why Elon Musk is so concerned about the future direction of A.I. — it in the circumstance of disrupting big 5 patent search firms, disruption is benign, and in fact, can be quite empowering to the employees who were in some sense, exploited or paid lowly wages (in all honesty, I was one of them).

However, for all the power that Artificial Intelligence has, it absolutely needs to be restrained to some degree, and we must take some sorts of precaution to ensure that its powers are not harnessed by certain evil corporations and/or bad actors of any kind.

