Generic but honest LinkedIn post.

Tales from the Fintech Tower
2 min readSep 4, 2017


After an arbitrary amount of years at Company You Don’t Care About it’s time to move on.

In two weeks, after my trip to Random Country In South East Asia, I’ll be joining Another Company You Don’t Care About as Slightly Better Job Title.

It’s been quite a journey at Company You Don’t Care About, especially working with such a talented team I’m not going to see again and frankly don’t care about.

Over the last arbitrary amount of years I was able to achieve a Vague Goal, some Random KPI’s and eventually became Slightly Worse Job Title Than The One I mentioned before.

It was at that time I had the chance to do Corporate Travel Highlights and was able to work closely to Random Semi Famous Executive I Still Want To Keep In Touch With.

I’m taking this as an opportunity to expand my knowledge on Buzz Word 1, Buzz Word 2 and being a Growth Hacker this has nothing to do with Recently Announced Lay-offs At Arbitrary Company.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be posting 99% Of MIT Students Can’t Solve This Riddles and repost Any Article About Elon Musk. I’m also going to keep asking Slightly Offensive Question About Something In The Industry to capture your contact details from the reactions and grow my network organically as mentioned in my previous generic Top 3 Ways To Grow Your LinkedIn Network article.

Follow my journey at Personal Instagram and Twitter Account.

