Feeling stressed? Try valuing the moments ‘in between’

Fiona Stewart
4 min readNov 22, 2019

A simple practice for self-care and peak performance in a busy day

Image by Irina Logra from Pixabay

On the yoga mat this morning I was reminded of the value of the moments ‘in between’. For the duration of our led-practice today we focused on these precious moments — the moment between the top of my in-breath and the movement to my out-breath, the moment between completing one pose before transitioning to our next pose, the moment before my mind starting thinking about the things that were on my plate for today and the gentle nudge to focus back on my breath.

As I did this, I found my breath steadying, my heart rate lowering and my muscles releasing (well as much as they are able to for me!) I’m learning that when I consciously inhabit my body, rather than treating it as a momentary ride in an Uber, all sorts of wonderful things start to happen. Yes, there are amazing physical benefits such as the massive reduction in the chronic neck pain I had been suffering for years, the balanced strength that I’m gradually building in my upper and lower body and overall increased flexibility and range of motion. However, the parallels beyond the physical realm are even more extraordinary, and I think you know where I’m going with this.

Through the practise of yoga, I am becoming a more supple human being. If you wanted to insert a corporate…



Fiona Stewart

Organisational architect — culture, leadership and talent. Re-discovering the joy of writing as a vehicle for self-expression and authentic connection.