5 Ways VR can Boost Corporate Training

Fiona Devid
2 min readSep 9, 2019


The primary reason why the companies are considering VR in their processes is that it can enhance employee engagement and their knowledge retention levels.

Corporate training claims a significant share in terms of both investment and resources. Despite the efforts, the training efforts fail to live up to the expected standards. Virtual reality (VR) is a new addition into the segment as several companies are exploring it as a supplementary tool for corporate training. The reason why companies are eyeing to introduce VR in corporate training is that it can enhance engagement and knowledge retention levels, while the training can be carried out in a safer and cost-effective way.

VR allows employees to learn via practical experience. Experiential learning has been considered as the most effective way to learn since long, and studies also confirm that learning via experience enhances the retention capacity by 70–95 percent.

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Here are the ways in which VR is being used for corporate training:

1. Improving Soft Skills and Business

Several business skills need the practice to get better, and VR allows such an opportunity to the employees with a safe space to learn and practice from their experiences. Skills like negotiation, sales, public speaking, and networking are seldom taught at school. Yet these are important enterprise skills that help in running businesses and are expected by managers in new employees and candidates. VR assists companies in filling these skill gaps and embedding enterprise skills within their employees.

2. Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion training is increasingly gaining traction within the companies. VR simulations are also being considered to replicate such scenarios.

Read More: 5 Ways VR can Boost Corporate Training

