Transit: Flying Ryanair from Faro to Porto

Fiona McEachran
4 min readOct 5, 2016


Getting to the airport was extremely easy, only a 10 minute walk from the airbnb. I will miss that cat.


That was the easiest airport commute I’ve had to date! It was extremely busy at the airport at 5.30am which was surprising. But maybe not so considering quite a few flights leave around 6.30am.


Luckily I discovered no “visa check” was required as it is an internal/ domestic flight. I decided to fly, rather than take the bus or train because the flight was only EUR17.


Security was fast and easy, and by the time I got to the gate the flight was boarding.

Ryanair Woes

I’ve had a really good run with Ryanair until now, and all my previous Ryanair flights were pretty good, but I was surprised and something felt “off” when everybody was being asked to check their carry on suitcase automatically. The reason was that “the plane was full”, but how could they know that with nobody on it?

I figured they had “worked it out” and accepted that I would have to finally check my bag, after 3 months of seamless carry on only.


However once on the plane, and in my seat, it was clear that half of the overhead compartments were completely empty!


Why make people check bags when there is plenty of room?

Either Ryanair got the calculation wrong and they cannot predict how full a plane will be? Maybe Ryanair lied and the plane is too “top heavy” meaning more luggage should be underneath?

But something was definitely wrong. Shame Ryanair had to break their customer service winning streak. I guess, it is what it is, and that’s just what passengers get now with discount airlines.

I had a chat with a guy on Twitter after the flight who seemed to think it was a weight-management thing. Oh well.


At least it was a beautiful sunrise.


Arriving in Porto


The flight was on time, and once at the airport, the bag arrived quite quickly on the carousel.

I even had some time to kill before checking in, so I did the unthinkable and ordered a Costa Coffee. I was surprised that it was drinkable and not too bad!


It was easy to follow the signs to the train/ tram that goes into the city. It was definitely slightly colder in Porto than it had been in Faro.


The ticket was only EUR2.45, including the 0.50c surcharge for the card which can be topped up.


The tram took only 20 minutes to get to Francos Station.


It was a beautiful and bright morning. There was even a cute little abandoned church next to the tram stop.

The airbnb apartment was only 7 minutes walk from there. So it was another seamless journey.

Originally published at travelwithfiona.



Fiona McEachran

Marketing Strategist and World Traveler driving Engagement and ROI. Passionate Property Investor & Coffee Snob.