Transit: Lux Express Riga to Vilnius

Fiona McEachran
3 min readSep 2, 2016


Again I was staying only about 15 minutes walk from the bus station, so it was quite easy to get there in the morning to catch the bus.

It was spitting rain in my face, and colder than usual, but when you are leaving a place and heading to a new one, you are optimistic so it doesn’t bother you as much.

I walked through some great fresh food street markets, and the bus station was on the other side.


This was my first time catching a Lux Express Coach and I was looking forward to it. Mostly I was hoping it would be better than the Eurolines bus I took to Copenhagen.

It was slightly behind schedule but nothing to worry about.


Inside it was pretty nice, and the commuters smelled a lot better on this bus.


There was also an in-house touch screen entertainment system with games and lots of movies, as well as FREE WIFI! = happy.


The journey was smooth and faster than I expected. It doesn’t stop for food, but I had made sandwiches and brought snacks.


After nearly 4 hours on the bus, we rocked into Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania,.


My hoping for better weather seemed to be coming true, as I crossed the bridge towards my Airbnb.


Originally published at travelwithfiona.



Fiona McEachran

Marketing Strategist and World Traveler driving Engagement and ROI. Passionate Property Investor & Coffee Snob.