Wandering Around La Condesa and Roma in Mexico City

Fiona McEachran
6 min readFeb 5, 2017


Feeling slightly better and more adjusted to the altitude, I was game enough to head off to explore La Condesa and seek out the best coffee in Mexico City.

The huge amounts of sunshine definitely helped when it came to altitude sickness, and being so high, with fluctuating temperature it was tricky to dress for Mexico City.

It started out very cold in the morning, became warm when standing in the sun, was chilly in the shade, and the evening finished on a warmer note. Or maybe was just like this in Winter.

Either way, layers was key to dressing for this city.

Walking to La Condesa through Roma was pretty straight forward. It was as simple as crossing on the overpass. When they talk about the traffic in Mexico City they are not kidding! It seems to be rush hour… every hour.

I love the colour of some of the houses, and I especially like the ‘street pride’ these locals have. In many cities, the residents say — the council needs to take care of the footpath. In this city, it seems every resident maintains the footpath.

They sweep, and clean and plant gardens on the footpath. I love it!

They also have amazing trees in this area…. lining the streets.

Street art is not super-common here, but there is some.

It was about 20 minutes walk to Cucurucho Roma Cafe.

Cucurucho Roma Cafe

This hipster place with limited seating made the most delicious coffee.

I did like the seats facing out. It was perfect for people watching… all the yoga pants and dog walkers!

I started walking towards Parque Mexico in La Condesa.

This area was so beautiful. It was full of boutique shops, cafes and restaurants. I found this little unique gourmet supermarket.

I wanted to pick up some kombucha. I found a place where I could get it called Origenes Organicos. It was opposite a magical little park called Plaza Popocatepetl.

Origenes Organicos

This place was a cafe and mini-organic supermarket.

I was even able to find pure ginger tea — my favourite!

They seemed pretty busy.

Again the people were very cheery. The upbeat feeling of this place is addictive.

Parque Mexico

A short walk away was Parque Mexico.

It was a very green space. There were families and children playing.

The flowers were so pretty.

The fountains and small lake was beautiful too.

I especially liked the lovely free WIFI.

One of the best things I saw in the park was — painting glass. Kids or adults could choose a piece of glass and colour it in with paints of their choice. Fantastic idea! This should be available in all parks on a sunny day.

There were many designs to choose from.

Next I went looking for some early dinner.

I found another sculpture on the side of the road.

There was also a theatre called El Plaza Condesa.

Pizza Nosferatu

This was recommend to me by Women Digital Nomads.

It was handy to be able to buy either a slice of pizza or a whole pizza, depending on how hungry you are. I opted for a Vegetarian slice. It was pretty good.

I headed back towards the park. I saw they have a bicycle rental system like many cities I have seen.

It was so relaxing watching people playing the in park.

And the people here put their smartphones away and bring boardgames. Imagine that! Just like the 80s!

There is such a strong feeling of community here.

I found myself feeling a little hungry again, so I called into Mr Kellys.

It’s a fast food type place, but I found the fried fish and salad to be really good and affordable.

Afterwards, with sore feet, I called an Uber on their WIFI.

Uber is excellent in Mexico city.

Originally published at travelwithfiona.



Fiona McEachran

Marketing Strategist and World Traveler driving Engagement and ROI. Passionate Property Investor & Coffee Snob.