Exciting news.

Fionna Faulk
1 min readAug 1, 2018


Yesterday, I posted on LinkedIn.

I chose LinkedIn to issue my inaugural update about Recruitsos for a few reasons that are obvious, along with some reasons that are not so obvious.

Let’s start with the obvious.

Obvious reason #1: Recruitsos is for people who need to hire people.

Since Recruitsos is a video-science-driven assessment and hiring automation tool, naturally, it would make sense that most of our target demographic — those in human resources, talent acquisition, etc.— can, and will, be found on LinkedIn, a professional social network who’s impressive growth can largely be attributed to the initial role talent acquisition and recruitment have played on its platform.

Obvious reason #2: Recruitsos is a B2B SaaS platform.

With LinkedIn continuing to dominate in the B2B relationship space (whether you need to hire or not), it only makes sense to continue cultivating relationships where the cool kids are.

Not-so-obvious reason: LinkedIn is one of the only social media platforms I actually truly enjoy.

So, why the heck am I on Medium? Because, it’s cool.

And, while I am an avid fan of video, video posts, and the future of video, I believe there’s still a large segment of cool kids who love (or need) to read articles.

May as well put them in a place where the vast majority of articles you come across are well-written…

So, what’s the big news?

Watch the video to find out…

Can’t watch the video? Continue reading here to view the fully-transcribed text and find out the big news

