Exploring Dynamic Querying in PostgreSQL

Introduction :

6 min readFeb 13, 2024

In the database management world, the capacity of retrieving data dynamically based on some condition or some inputs is a powerful technique that makes it possible for developer to construct and execute SQL statements on the fly, adapting to changing requirements and user interactions

Static querying while usefull in many senarios , often fall short when faced with the need for flexibility and customization.

In this blog we are going to dive deeper and try to explore the features PostgreSQL offers to support dynamic querying, including string concatenation, dynamic SQL execution, and conditional logic within SQL queries.

Section 1: Understanding Dynamic Querying

To keep it simple, quering a database dynamically is a kind of request to the database that is refreshed each time it’s used , in another word, you will get as a result always any recently added records that meet the specified criteria .

The ability to dynamically quering refers to the ability to execute SQL queries dynamically at runtime, based on varying conditions or inputs.
This appreach allow for more flexibile and customizable querying compared to static quesries defined beforehand

PostgreSQL provides features such as string concatenation, dynamic SQL execution, and conditional logic within SQL queries to support dynamic querying, we will provide more details about those features in the next section

Section 2: Features of PostgreSQL for Dynamic Querying

PostgreSQL offers a plenty of features tailored to support dynamic querying. In this section, we’ll explore the key capabilities PostgreSQL provides to empower developers in constructing and executing dynamic SQL statements.

  • String Concatenation :
    String concatenation facilitates dynamic querying in so many way
    such as Building Dynamic statement, Dynamic conditions, Query generation, Dynamic table or column names, it can also help preventing SQL Injection.

Let’s see check that by exemple :

Building Dynamic SQL statements :

# Python example using string concatenation to build a dynamic SQL query
user_input = input("Enter search keyword: ")
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%" + user_input + "%';"
print("Dynamic SQL Query:", sql_query)

Dynamic conditions :

# Python example using string concatenation to add a dynamic condition to a SQL query
user_filter = input("Enter filter condition (e.g., price > 100): ")
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE " + user_filter + ";"
print("Dynamic SQL Query:", sql_query)

Query generation :

# Python example using string concatenation to generate a dynamic SQL query with multiple conditions
conditions = ["price > 100", "category = 'Electronics'"]
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE " + " AND ".join(conditions) + ";"
print("Dynamic SQL Query:", sql_query)

The join() method is used to concatenate the conditions together with the logical AND operator (AND). This results in a single string that represents the combined conditions.
so at the end this line is as follow :

print(“Dynamic SQL Query:”, sql_query)

Dynamic SQL Query: SELECT * FROM products WHERE price > 100 AND category = 'Electronics';

Dynamic table or column names :

# Python example using string concatenation to dynamically specify table and column names
table_name = "customers"
column_name = "email"
user_input = input("Enter search value: ")
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " WHERE " + column_name + " = '" + user_input + "';"
print("Dynamic SQL Query:", sql_query)

Preventing SQL Injection :

# Python example using parameterized query to prevent SQL injection
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=mydatabase user=myuser password=mypassword")
cur = conn.cursor()
user_input = input("Enter search keyword: ")
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE %s;"
cur.execute(sql_query, ('%' + user_input + '%',))
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:

Psycopg2 est une bibliothèque Python qui permet aux programmes Python de se connecter à des bases de données PostgreSQL

  • Dynamic SQL execution :
    Dynamic SQL execution in PostgreSQL allows you to construct SQL statements dynamically at runtime based on certain conditions or user input.
    it’s very useful when you need to generate SQL statement programmatically or when you ignore the type or the format of some inputs until the runtime . Postgess provides multiple ways to achieve dynamic sql execution : EXECUTE statement , PL/pgSQL blocks and the EXECUTE function :

Let’s see check that by exemple :

EXECUTE statement :

DO $$
sql_query TEXT;
result INTEGER;
sql_query := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table';
EXECUTE sql_query INTO result;
RAISE NOTICE 'Result: %', result;
END $$;

In this example, the sql_query variable contains a dynamically generated SQL query, which is then executed using the EXECUTE statement. The result of the query is stored in the result variable.
please note that DO $$ ... $$; to define an anonymous code block in Postgres, it s used to allow you to execute SQL code without the need to create a function or procedure

PL/pgSQL Blocks:

first of all, PL/pgSQL is a procedural language extension for PostgreSQL. It allows you to produce more complex logic and control structures than standard SQL.

PL/pgSQL in the other hand allows you to define variables, control structures, and exception handling.

sql_query TEXT;
sql_query := 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = $1';
EXECUTE sql_query USING 123;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The USING clause is used to pass parameter values to the query

EXECUTE function

It’s already used in the PL/pgSQL code above , and here is another example


Section 3: Best Practices and Considerations

Security related best practice

Despite the numerous benefits it offers, dynamic querying requires careful consideration of several critical factors to ensure the security, performance, and maintainability of your database applications.
As an IT guru, it’s essential to read this section about the best practices to effectively harness the power of dynamic querying while mitigating potential risks

Alright , so ,for sure security stands at the forefront of addressing database issues, with SQL Injection being a widely recognized concern. This critical vulnerability poses a significant threat, potentially exposing your data source to malicious attacks. Considering how widespread is SQL Injection, vigilance becomes paramount, especially in scenarios involving user input interacting with the database. Consequently, validating input remains a fundamental practice to safeguard against SQL Injection and fortify the security of your database interactions.

A clear best practice is to utilize parameterized queries or prepared statements. These methods help separate user input from SQL code, effectively reducing the risk of SQL injection.

Performance related best practice

Dynamic queries can significantly impact performance, especially when executed frequently or involving complex logic. Therefore, it’s essential to assess the performance impact of dynamic queries on the database by analyzing execution plans and identifying potential bottlenecks. Optimizing dynamic queries can be achieved by leveraging database indexes, minimizing their usage, and ensuring they are executed only when necessary. Additionally, consider implementing caching mechanisms to store and reuse query results when appropriate.

Code Maintainability and Readability related best practice

The complexity of dynamic querying can sometimes lead to challenges in maintenance and comprehension, particularly in environments with unstable teams and queries designed based on individual perspectives. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure well-structured, commented code, and adhere to consistent naming conventions to enhance visibility and understanding. Furthermore, employing solid principles to modularize logic into reusable functions or stored procedures can promote maintainability and reusability.

Access Control and Permissions related best practice

Dynamically generated queries may inadvertently expose sensitive data or perform unauthorized actions if not properly restricted. Implement access control mechanisms and granular permissions to restrict access to database objects and operations based on user roles and privileges. Consider using PostgreSQL’s role-based access control (RBAC) features to enforce least privilege principles and limit access to only the necessary resources.

Testing and Validation related best practice

Make sure to consider various test scenarios to ensure your dynamic SQL queries behave as expected and handle edge cases gracefully.

Implement automated testing procedures and validation checks to verify the correctness and security of dynamic queries before deploying them in production environments. Consider performing code reviews and peer evaluations to identify potential issues and improve the quality of dynamic SQL code.




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