7 Secrets of Hiring a Successful Team

Discover the Secrets to Building a Winning Team…

Wayne Mullins
6 min readApr 23, 2023
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The longer I stay in business the truer that saying becomes.

Hiring can be one of the most time-consuming activities in which entrepreneurs engage. Between collecting and reviewing applications, scheduling interviews, re-interviewing, and deliberating over which candidate is the best fit for a position, hiring can turn into a big hurdle.

As Jim Collins points out in his book, Good to Great, getting the right people in the right seat (position) is vital to the long-term success of organizations.

In hindsight, it’s easy to see our mistakes in placing the wrong person in the wrong position, but not so easy to see it when we’re actually hiring them.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Ugly Mug Marketing is a very lean organization. Everyone is expected to carry their weight and help drive us toward our goals.

Like most small businesses, we can’t afford to put the wrong person in the wrong position, nor can we afford to spend too much time trying to find the right person.

It’s “the chicken or the egg” challenge all over again.

For the past few years, we’ve used Ontraport to help automate our sales and client development processes. You can see the article describing how we did it here.

Ontraport has been so extremely effective in helping us on those fronts that I decided to give it a try with our hiring process as well.

The remainder of this article describes the exact steps we took.

Step 1 — Company Overview

If you are going to automate your hiring process, one of the first things you need to do is provide prospective applicants with a broad overview of your company–without having to explain it to them.

We accomplished this by creating a simple web page providing a brief overview of Ugly Mug Marketing.

The page includes short sections on our values, our history, our culture, and our mission. You can take a look at this page here.

Step 2 — Detail the Position

To automate the hiring process, it is crucial to clearly define the position you are looking to fill.

This requires going beyond the job title and detailing the responsibilities, duties, and necessary skills.

Creating a job description that outlines key responsibilities and required qualifications is a great starting point.

By being clear about the skills and experience needed, you can ensure that you are attracting the right candidates and streamlining the selection process.

Step 3 — Weeding Out

In order to reap the biggest benefit from automating your hiring, you have to ensure the process is designed to help you weed out those candidates who would not be a good fit for your company.

One of the ways we accomplish this is by giving applicants several different tasks to complete during the hiring process.

We then look at their responsiveness and the thoroughness of each completed task as a measurement of their commitment to landing the job.

For example, if they are unwilling to fill out a second, or even third, application, what does that say about their willingness to follow through when things get tough on the job?

You’ll find the first application at this link.


Notice that all of the questions are what you may expect to find on a job application, except for the very last one:What’s Your Super Power?”

This question was intentional. For us, it accomplishes a few things:

  1. It communicates that we’re not a super stuffy, rigid business.
  2. It gives us insight into their creative side–which is important in our field.
  3. It provides some insight into how detailed they are. The shorter the answer, the less detail-oriented they tend to be.

Step 4 — Say Thanks

Once their first application has been submitted, Ontraport automatically sends them an email thanking them for filling out the application and letting them know we’re only looking for superstars.

Here’s part of that email message:

“To be honest [First Name], we receive a lot of applications and, while we wish we could have everyone join our team, we simply can’t. But if you’re a superstar looking to make a difference with your gifts and talents, then we want you!

Take a few minutes and tell us more about you by clicking here.”

For many, receiving this email is the last step in their journey. When they receive this email message they give up.

And that’s completely okay. We don’t waste their time or ours.

Step 5 — Tell Us More

When someone does choose to take the next step, they are directed to the second application.

About 65% of the questions on this application are designed to let us see how the applicant thinks and communicates their thoughts in writing. Both are critical skills in Ugly Mug Marketing.

After an applicant submits this form, they automatically receive an email message thanking them for completing the application.

Ontraport also generates a task for one of our staff members to review their applications.

Step 6 — A Little More

Five days after submitting the application message mentioned in the previous step, Ontraport automatically sends them an email asking for additional information.

Here’s part of the message:

“We would like to learn a little more about what is happening in your life, and where you see yourself in the future. When time permits, please answer the following questions:

1. What previous work experience do you have that you believe uniquely qualifies you for this position?

2. Do you have anything that would prevent you from working from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday?

3. What are your hobbies?

4. What do you know about Ugly Mug Marketing?

5. Have you read any good books lately? If so, what did you read?

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

We look forward to your responses.”

This step is the most important in our application process. Not necessarily because of their answers, but because of their responsiveness, or lack thereof.

For us, only about two out of 10 people actually respond back with answers to these questions. It’s these two people with whom we’re interested!

These are the most persistent, most determined, and often the most competitive people.

We only interview these people.

Step 7 — Let Them Know

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is only recruiting when they need someone.

This always results in rushing through the hiring process, which rarely results in a favorable outcome for the entrepreneur or the new hire.

I would encourage you to adopt the ABH Principle (Always — Be — Hiring).

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated. The simple solution we’ve incorporated is to add a small banner, at the top of our website, announcing that we’re looking for good people to join our team. We include links to our initial application.

This gives us the opportunity to continually get people into our automated hiring process.

To close

With the help of a little automation, hiring doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

Using the simple steps outlined above you’ll be able to automate and continually recruit for your company.

By being strategic with your hiring process, you can effectively weed out those who are not a good fit for your company.

Disclaimer: Please note that we’re affiliated with Ontraport. If you use Ontraport to make a purchase, we’ll earn a small commission without any extra cost to you. And please remember, this article is originally published on my blog thefreelancersfreedomformula.com.

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Peace & Love,

Wayne Mullins


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Wayne Mullins

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉 linktr.ee/fireyourself