Beta Dev Update (70)

What our devs worked on in week 70 of the Beta

2 min readDec 7, 2018

Hello Players and Welcome to Week 70!

Miss Dev Update 68?

Let’s dive into what we have released since our last update;

Bug Fixes

Fixed — Royale App: Bounty Hunt Payout Responses showing incorrectly
Fixed — Royale App: Remove Private Beta from App
Fixed — Royale App: No state displayed on Bounty Hunt details after registration finished
Fixed — Royale App: Bounty Hunts for Custom Matches
Fixed— Royale App: Bounty Hunt Administator Backend optimized
Fixed — Royale App: Abandoned Bounty Hunts with a register button
Fixed — Web App: Wrong countdown time on Tournament Registration Modal
Fixed — Web App: The tournament list pagination wasn’t working properly
Fixed — Web App: Matchost deadlock
Fixed — Web App: Tournament state changes creating errors on advancing competing teams
Fixed — Web App: Registration Form Bugs
Fixed — Web App: Players unable to register for a tournament
Fixed — Web App: Withdrawal and Deposit could be opened on same screen
Fixed — Web App: Referral Golden Tickets for Dota 2 not being rewarded
Fixed — Web App: Unable to connect Dota 2 after disconnecting


Added — Royale App; PUBG Connected Status Reflected on App
Added — Royale App; Sequential Displaying of Notifications
Added — Royale App; Player states within Bounty Hunt List
Added — Royale App; New user tooltip
Added — Royale App; Single Scroll for current Bounty Hunt List
Added — Web App; Welcoming Paypal

We launched the ability for qualified players to get $5 deposited to their FirstBlood account to compete in Bigger Buy-In Bounty Hunts.

We will already be adding Paypal to FirstBlood for further convenience.

Want to learn how to KYC? Or discover how to deposit to start entering into bigger prize pools.

Thank you for reading!

A desire to share any feedback with us? Please do, We love it! Head to our Feedback page to participate and share!

Signup and compete for valuable skins and other prizes at

Until Next Time, Development Team

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