PWAs are coming to iOS 11.3: Cupertino, we have a problem

Maximiliano Firtman (
13 min readJan 25, 2018
Progressive Web Apps on iOS might be in trouble

IMPORTANT: iOS 11.3 final version is now published. Check my updated article on the topic: Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here

After the surprise yesterday from a tweet from Ricky Mondello and then the Safari 11.1 beta Release Notes stating that Web App Manifest and Service Workers are implemented which means multi-platform PWAs are now possible, it’s now time to come back to the real world and see what’s what we have.

Update 8-Feb: Beta 2 is out and the WebKit blog has published an article on how Service Workers work on its platform. This post is updated with this information.

Update 20-Feb: Beta 3 is out. This post is now updated for this version.

Update 7-Mar: Beta 4 is out. This post is now updated for this version.

Testing is not easy — better from beta 3

Testing these new additions on iOS is not straightforward because the Developer Tools on…



Maximiliano Firtman (

mobile+web developer, author, trainer, speaker | Check for more articles and learning experiences | PWAs, Web Performance, JavaScript, Mobile Apps