One Influencer You May Want To Ditch

Yanina Purcell
3 min readJul 9, 2019


I am sure you’ve heard of the concept of how you are the sum of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. It was originally quoted by Jim Rohn and has been used in many different areas — business, health, etc.

Actually, as research has suggested, there are more than 5 people who influence you . Your wider circle also has an effect on your decisions. And ponder this for a minute……what if one of them wasn’t exactly a person?

When I was studying last year, my tutor Dominic Matteo wrote a funny piece about that “person” which I’d like to share with you, and we all know them! Who is it? Read on and find out 😉

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Oh, the interwebs, how we love you. Purveyor of humorous cat photos! Bringer of LOLs! Epic waster of time! Dispenser of more data and ridiculously ignorant opinion than we could ever possibly use in a billion lifetimes!

The Internet is full of information. That’s good!

Researchers estimate that 81% of Internet users use it to look up health information. We no longer depend on gatekeepers such as medical institutions to tell us what’s going on with that weird rash. And we can look to social networks for support.

The Internet is full of information. That’s bad!

All that health information is like an avalanche of neurosis and confusion, just waiting for a foolish skier to let it loose. Our online social networks can turn into gangs of crazies arguing over politics or minutiae.

In addition to the Internet, we have radio, TV, print, and well-meaning strangers and friends, all just dying to share health and nutrition-related information and opinions. Then we have overly complicated workout routines and nutritional plans.

Plus, fitness and nutrition “experts” either hawking a “miracle supplement” or nagging, warning, and frightening us. (“RED MEAT WILL KILL YOU!”; “YOU MUST DO PILATES OTHERWISE YOUR SPINE WILL FALL OUT!”; “RASPBERRY KETONES UNPLUGGED MY DRAIN!” etc.)

In fact, you know those 5 people you spend the most time with? One of them is probably the Internet.

You may, in fact, have a closer relationship with an online nutritional “expert” than you do with your real-life friends. All of this can leave you feeling drowned in clutter. It’s like a hoarder’s house of random nutrition facts, stories, opinions, images, and weird sculptures of tap-dancing frogs.

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I guess the take home from this is — be careful what advice you follow. Make sure it feels right, do what works for your body, don’t just grab at the next best thing or “shiny object”. I get asked some really weird questions by clients, because they’ve seen something on the internet that is guaranteed to “work”. And that shiny object most likely doesn’t.

If it sounds like it’s too good to be true, it probably is…

I set aside time each week to chat to women like you who are wanting to learn more about their health and wellness. Click here to apply for one of those slots. I look forward to chatting to you 😊

