The 9 Iron Rules of Tomassi: A Guide to Improving Your Relationships and Success with Women

Fit Brown Guy
3 min readJan 9, 2023

The 9 Iron Rules of Tomassi are a set of guidelines for men to follow in order to improve their relationships and success with women. These rules are based on the teachings of Rollo Tomassi, a writer and speaker who advocates for a “rational male” approach to relationships.

  1. Frame is everything: Frame refers to the way in which a person presents themselves and their actions. According to Tomassi, having a strong frame is essential for success in relationships, as it allows a person to assert their own desires and boundaries. A strong frame also helps a person to maintain their confidence and self-respect, even in challenging situations.
  2. The best offense is a good defense: In relationships, it is important to protect oneself from being taken advantage of or being put in a vulnerable position. This means being proactive in setting boundaries and being aware of potential pitfalls. It also means being prepared for potential conflicts or misunderstandings and being able to effectively communicate one’s own needs and desires.
  3. Be the prize: In relationships, it is important to remember that one’s own value and worth should not be tied to the validation of a partner. Instead, one should strive to be the “prize” that a partner must work to earn and…



Fit Brown Guy

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