Most Diets Fail for 7 Reasons — How to Drop 14 Pounds in Two Weeks

Dieting and being overweight are essentially obsessions in American culture.

Nikhil Shah
3 min readMar 6, 2023
Most Diets Fail for 7 Reasons — How to Drop 14 Pounds in Two Weeks
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Diets of all kinds are constantly being started and stopped by people. Few people succeed, but the majority will experience setbacks. In actuality, our approach to dieting is dooming us to failure. This is why:

Diets rob you of essential nutrients.

The majority of diets are so low in calories and anything containing saturated fat that you have to eat fewer servings of, or sometimes even none at all, certain foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for our daily nutrition. With such a restrictive diet, weight loss may be possible, but there may be other negative effects as well.

When you quit dieting, the weight returns.

Sure, you might be able to start a diet and achieve your desired weight loss, but once you do, you are left with only two choices: either you must continue the diet indefinitely to maintain that weight, or the weight will return if you return to your previous eating habits. Most people eventually return to their initial weight and eating patterns.

Weight is a hereditary predisposition.

Weight is primarily genetically determined and secondarily environmental, according to numerous studies. In other words, not everyone will react the same way to a diet. Even if they are on the same diet, some people have a harder time losing weight than others.

You won’t feel full on a diet.

People are accustomed to having a full stomach after eating. If you are restricting portions while on a diet, you probably won’t reach that point. You won’t feel as though you’ve eaten enough, and the constant urge to eat more will become annoying.

Calorie counting turns into an addiction.

Many uninformed individuals believe that restricting calories and carbohydrates to the absolute minimum is the best way to lose weight. There is much more to it than that, even though it does play a part. Calorie counting and restriction are simple ways to develop an obsession with eating and weight loss, which may result in disordered eating.

The misconception of a healthy BMI.

The diet industry advises us to work towards achieving a BMI within that healthy range. In actuality, your BMI does not reflect your level of health. It’s true that having a BMI below or above a certain threshold can raise your risk of developing health issues, but just because someone’s BMI is within a healthy range doesn’t mean they are in fact healthy. Healthy people come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and BMIs.

Changing one’s behavior is really difficult.

Food restriction and eating habits are extremely difficult to alter and keep altered once altered. Many people revert to their old routines, with which they are happier, which frequently results in a higher score on the scale. In order to stick with changes that we don’t find enjoyable, it takes a lot of commitment and mental fortitude.

Never forget that maintaining a healthy weight is less important than eating a balanced diet.


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Nikhil Shah

I am passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals. Stay healthy & fit, lose weight, and improve yourself by following