7 Best Dumbbell Back Exercises Do At Home or Gym

4 min read5 days ago


Long sitting can affect the mobility of your upper back and weaken the back muscles. That’s why it’s important to exercise and strengthen your back muscles. This back workout with a dumbbell will help you do that.

Strengthening your back muscles — the lats, rhomboids, and traps — gives you aesthetic physic and helps improve muscle imbalances and posture.

Like you, I think dumbbell exercises would be a good addition to your home back workout routine.

Dumbbell Back Exercises for Strength & Size

1. Renegade Row

The renegade row is also known as a plank row, which is almost a variation of the dumbbell row. It is designed to target the upper back. Like a plank, it is designed to target the core.

The renegade row is a multitasking exercise that tones your back and works your core, while also testing your balance and stability.

It’s the ultimate functional strength-training move that will give you a massive back.

2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row

If you’re looking for straightforward dumbbell back exercises to add to your routine, the One-arm dumbbell row is a great staple exercise to get you started.

It is an excellent full-range exercise to build the lat muscles. This helps to work on each side independently, thereby providing better muscle isolation and a longer range of motion.

It’s an excellent alternative to barbell rows. This exercise is done with a heavy dumbbell with your body supported by a bench.

3. Dumbbell Bent Over Row

If you are looking to strengthen the upper back with a dumbbell only workout and want to add massive muscle to the upper back region, then bent over dumbbell back rows is one of the best options.

It involves pulling the dumbbells towards your torso while maintaining a bent-over position, engaging the back muscles to perform the movement.

  • Pulling the dumbbell up higher toward the chest targets the upper latissimus and trapezius.
  • Pulling the dumbbell through a lower trajectory to touch the abdomen targets the lower lats.

4. Dumbbell Shrug

The dumbbell shrug exercise is another great exercise for your dumbbell back workout, it is one of the best exercises to build bigger, stronger trapezius, upper back, and neck muscles.

This exercise can make your traps bigger, which is helpful when doing back poses. Being a stubborn muscle group for many, traps can be trained with a fairly high frequency during the week.

5. Dumbbell Deadlift

The deadlift is the King of all exercises, and It is a powerful exercise designed to build an overall physique that uses more muscles than any other exercise.

The dumbbell deadlift is the best exercise for posterior chain muscle strengthening, which includes the back, erector spine, glutes, and hamstrings.

You can do the deadlift with either a barbell or a set of dumbbells. One of the biggest advantages of using dumbbells for deadlifts is that you can work with a wider range of motion than with barbell deadlifts.

6. Dumbbell Upright Row

The Dumbbell Upright Row exercise is one of the best dumbbell exercises for the back that you can do during your upper body workout.

It is a compound exercise that targets your deltoids (shoulders) and traps (upper back) and biceps. It also activates the forearms for stabilization and support.

Using dumbbells in the upright row can help to increase unilateral muscle development and address any asymmetries and movement imbalances as well.

7. Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

The dumbbell rear delt fly is a simple yet effective exercise that increases deltoid muscle definition and strength.

The rear delt dumbbell fly targets your upper back muscles and shoulder muscles, particularly the rear deltoids.

Know More About Back Workout




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