Do You Have a Passion for Fitness? | How to Tell What Your Passion is

Fitness, Food, and Freedom
5 min readAug 22, 2017


Kale. Deadlifts. Running. Training. If any of these words, or other words related to the fitness world, get your blood flowing faster, you may have a passion for fitness. It may be because you enjoy looking your best, maybe you wanted to get the girl, or maybe you want to help others with this passion. Whatever your “why”, your passion for fitness isn’t something you should ignore or let be a side hobby. Life is too short!

I believe everyone has a passion, or for some multiple passions. Passions are defined as something that you would do for free, something you cannot get enough of, or something you seem to others obsessed with. To me, a strength and conditioning coach turned online coach, that passion is fitness. I started working out to get better at my selective sport, basketball. I wanted to dunk the basketball more than anything when I was in high school, and I trained like a madman to get to that goal. Day by day I could see improvements on the court and with my body. I was hooked. Studying Exercise Science in college gave me the tools and knowledge I needed to get serious about pursuing this passion. Working as a strength and conditioning coach for a Division 1 University has taught me so much about exercise, public speaking, and dedication. Today, I am transferring that passion into the online space, which is where I believe the future of fitness lies. If you have a passion for fitness, join me in this journey.

The key to following your passion isn’t to just find something you love. I love MMA and all kinds of fight sports, but if I got into the ring against another fighter, I would get my ass kicked. Yes, I could train to get better, but sometimes you just are not meant to do something. Great fighters are trained from a young age to dodge and take punches. Perfect technique is evident by the time they are in their mid-twenties like I am. Having a passion is great, but if you are no good at it than it is not going to turn into a career for you. It is

easy to be super motivating and say you can do what you set your mind to, and while it’s somewhat true, you have to follow your skills not just your passion. Work every day at developing your skills, and don’t be afraid to try out different things to see what you are good at. You may discover a passion you didn’t know you had, or find out you aren’t so good at something you think you are passionate about. For fitness, you had better be in shape, strong, or at least healthy. Once you get good at fitness for you, you can start transferring that skill to making some money and establishing a career.

If you are feeling discouraged, don’t! I am not saying to give up on your passion, just to be analytical about what you can really do better than everyone else. You are reading this article because that thing for you is fitness. Here comes the motivational speech. As Gary Vee once said to a passing fan, “You’re gonna die.” Never forget you are going to die, guys. Life is finite. Life is short. Life is unpredictable. There is ZERO time to be sitting around in a job you hate, and ZERO time to not spend every second you can pursuing what you love. If you love fitness, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make a career out of it. Do what you love! The worst thing you could feel on your death bed is regret, so live accordingly. It’s a miracle you are even here on this planet (something like a 1 in 400 trillion chance). Seize the opportunity you have been given and pursue your passion of fitness.

Okay, so you feel motivated again, right? You are ready to pursue your passion. If you are 100% sure your passion is fitness, stop reading right now and leave a comment. Tell me why fitness is your passion, and what you are doing to make it happen today. If you are 99% sure, keep reading. I have compiled a personal list of things that made me aware my passion lies in fitness. The list is short but powerful. Check yourself over to see if you have these signs, and if you do, comment down below which is most prominent.

4 Signs you are Passionate about Fitness

1. You love seeing tangible results

The BEST thing about fitness in my opinion is that you see results day by day, week by week, and year by year. With hard work and a little consistency, you hit physical goals that you can easily measure. If this excites you, you may have a passion for fitness.

2. You want to help others

Fitness careers revolve around helping others achieve bodies they want, health they desire, and confidence they didn’t think possible. If this sounds like something you would like to do every day, you may have a passion for fitness.

3. You think and talk about fitness whenever possible

Some may call you a jock or a meathead, I call you passionate. If I can’t get you to shut up about something, you are probably passionate about it. Fitness is no different.

4. You seek knowledge

If you want to learn about something, even if you aren’t required to, you are passionate. If you read exercise science textbooks, blog articles, and watch programming videos, you are passionate about fitness.

The list by no means ends at four, but it gives you an idea of the obsession and passion it takes to make it in this industry. There is a great career waiting for you in the fitness industry, and life is way too short to not pursue what you love. If you haven’t commented yet, do it now and tell me what you love about fitness. This blog is new, but my passion is a rock. Over the course of the next several years, I will post about my own fitness passion and how I make a career out of it, and help all you readers do the same. I look forward to hearing about all of your success! Be sure to check in every day for a new article!

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Fitness, Food, and Freedom

Dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals and to filter out all the noise in the fitness industry. I will provide clear and actionable fitness info.