Super Intense Full Leg Workout

2 min readJul 7, 2024


Super Intense Full Leg Workout: Boost Your Strength and Endurance

In this case, a full leg workout will exercise all the muscles in legs thus helping you in terms of strength and stamina. Let’s break down the exercises:

full leg workout

1. Leg Extensions with Leg Presses (4 sets, 15–25 reps): The first exercise involves leg extension that helps you work on the quadriceps followed by going for leg press where you are focused on the thighs and the butt.

2. Barbell Squats (4 sets, 10–15 reps): These are spot on for all the leg muscles with emphasis on the Quadriceps, Hamstrings, and Glutes. Tuck in your buttocks, keep your back straight and lower yourself as if you are sitting on a chair.

3. Hack Squats (3 sets, 10–15 reps):
They are like squats but target more on your quad and butt muscles. It is carried out on a machine where your back is aligned, that is, supported.

4. Walking Lunges (4 sets, 20–30 steps):
These help in building up the strength of your legs particularly the Quadriceps, hamstrings and the glues and in the same measure help in balancing.

Hike with larger steps, make sure the knee in front of it is over the shoes, specifically the ankle part of the shoes.

5. Wall Sits: Complete with wall stands so that you over work the leg muscles. Kneel as close to a wall as possible so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and stay in the position as long as you are able.

This kind of exercise will if done frequently help in building a stronger leg muscle not mention the importance of balance and fitness.

New people should use small weights but as the muscles build up, there should be an upgrade of the weights to be used. But I have to stick to it and always listen to my body and consult a trainer if any.

That is why the described workout hits all the major leg muscles and can be an addition to any lower-body strength training program.




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