The Art of Freestyle Swimming: Perfecting Your Technique

3 min readJul 26, 2023


When it comes to swimming, mastering the freestyle technique (also known as front crawl) is a milestone. Known for its speed and efficiency, freestyle swimming is the fastest of the four main strokes, making it a favorites among competitive swimmers and triathletes. It’s not just about moving your limbs around in the water; it’s a harmonious combination of balance, timing, and power. This blog will delve into the essential components of freestyle swimming and tips to perfect your technique.

The Stroke

  1. Body Position: A horizontal and streamlined body position is vital for efficient freestyle swimming. Aim to stay flat on the water’s surface with your body slightly tilted. Your head should align with your body, looking downward with the waterline at the middle of your forehead.
  2. Kick: The kicking in freestyle, also known as the flutter kick, consists of alternating leg movements with small amplitude. Your legs should be relatively straight, kicking from your hips, not your knees. Keep your kicks small, rapid, and within the body’s shadow to prevent dragging.
  3. Arm Cycle: Freestyle utilises an alternating arm cycle. Each arm, in turn, reaches forward and then sweeps down and back through the water, exiting near your hip. The most common style is the S-shaped pull or the ‘Early Vertical Forearm’ (EVF) technique. Here, you strive to angle your forearm and hand vertically as early as possible during the pull phase, providing a powerful and efficient pull.
  4. Breathing: Good breathing technique in freestyle is crucial. Turn your head to the same side to breathe as one arm recovers over the water. Try to keep one goggle in the water and exhale into the water before turning to inhale. Remember to not lift your head but rather turn it to the side.

Perfecting Your Technique

  1. Warm-Up and Drills: Each swimming session should commence with an appropriate warm-up to prime your muscles for the ensuing workout. This could encompass a period of light swimming or even a quick-paced walk. After this, engage in specific drills that allow for the targeted refinement of individual components of your stroke.
  2. Training with Equipment: Training tools like pull buoys, kickboards, fins, and paddles can help you focus on specific aspects of your stroke. For instance, a pull buoy can help you focus on your arm technique by immobilising your legs.
  3. Regular Feedback: Regular Feedback is vital to perfect any technique. Consider working with a coach who can watch and correct your strokes. Filming your swimming can provide insights into areas needing improvement if that’s not possible.
  4. Consistency and Patience: Like any other sport, consistency is key in swimming. Regular practice helps develop muscle memory, which is crucial for maintaining proper technique. Also, remember that improvement can take time, so be patient with your progress.
  5. Conditioning and Flexibility: Supplement your swimming with dry land conditioning and flexibility exercises. Core strength is crucial for a streamlined position in the water, and shoulder flexibility can enhance stroke length.


Freestyle swimming is an art form that combines various elements to create a harmonious and fluid stroke. You can create a strong foundation by focusing on body position, kick, arm cycle, and breathing. Incorporate drills, training tools, regular Feedback, consistency, Patience, and conditioning to enhance and perfect your technique. No matter where you are on your swimming journey, these tips can guide you towards efficient and powerful freestyle swimming. Happy swimming!

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