How to Build a Free Personal Training Website using Google Sites

2 min readApr 11, 2023

I created a no-code, no-cost, beginner-friendly website template you can use to launch a free website in 10 minutes.

Here’s a demo of the Template Website

Every Personal Trainer should have a website in my opinion, it’s the ultimate passive lead generation tool.

Websites are usually costly in time and money to build, but I’ve built a template using Google Sites for Personal Trainers to launch their own websites in a short amount of time and at no financial cost.

The design is based off my own website, which regularly generates 1 to 4 new clients per month.

I’d like to share my template with anyone interested in building their own free PT website, you can get the website file and instructions by requesting access to the template folder stored on my Google Drive

I will approve access several times a day when I’m not training clients or asleep. Sometimes the approval emails from Google Drive end up in the spam folder.

In the folder are detailed step-by-step instructions on how you can personalize the template for your personal training business as well as some links to Canva templates I made to give your website a quality design feel.

I’ve also included helpful SEO copy examples in the template that you can use to improve your Google search ranking. You can personalize this to your niche and location e.g. if you’re a powerlifting personal trainer in Sydney, you could try changing your title to ‘Sydney Powerlifting Personal Trainer’ to attract more traffic.

This is my first attempt at doing something like this so if you have any questions, queries or suggestions please let me know, I’m more than happy to help.

If you found any of this helpful you can shout me a coffee or share this with any other PTs you think may find this useful.

To get access to all the files, templates, and tutorials Request access to the template folder stored on my Google Drive




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