Elevating Bahasa Indonesia: UNESCO Recognition and the Global Educational Landscape

Fitri Karunia Dewi
3 min readJan 21, 2024


In a decisive move during the 42nd General Conference of UNESCO on 20 November 2023, Bahasa Indonesia secured its place as the 10th official language, joining the six official UN languages (English, Arabic, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Russian), as well as Hindi, Italian and Portuguese. This is a landmark achievement for Indonesia as Ambassador Oemar underscored a critical imperative: elevating awareness of the Indonesian language as a strategic facet of Indonesia’s global initiatives. This concerted effort aligns with the nation’s broader objectives — fostering connectivity between nations, fortifying collaboration with UNESCO, and steadfastly upholding its commitment to cultural development on the international stage.

Photo by Embassy of Republic Indonesia in Yangon, Myanmar

“With its role as a link between various ethnicities in Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia — with more than 275 million speakers — has also traveled the world, including the Indonesian language curricula in 52 countries around the world with at least 150,000 foreign speakers currently. The recognition of Bahasa Indonesia as the official language of the UNESCO General Conference will bring a positive impact on peace, harmony, and the achievement of SDGs, not only at the national level, but also throughout the globe.”

— Ambassador Mohamad Oemar, the Indonesian Permanent Delegate to UNESCO

The recent UNESCO recognition of Bahasa Indonesia as an official language is more than a mere acknowledgement; it’s a gateway to unprecedented educational opportunities, both within the nation and on the global stage. In this transformative phase, Bahasa Indonesia is poised to shape the future of education in Indonesia and beyond. Let’s delve into the assertive dynamics that this recognition ushers in

Global Academic Collaboration

Bahasa Indonesia’s official status at UNESCO signifies more than symbolic inclusion, as it might open avenues for Indonesian students and scholars to engage in global academic collaborations seamlessly. The language, now a legitimate participant in international conferences and research initiatives, propels Indonesia’s academic prowess onto the global stage.

Enhanced Visibility in Research

The UNESCO recognition may catalyze heightened global visibility of Indonesian research and academic contributions. This isn’t merely a token acknowledgment but a strategic move that paves the way for increased publications, research papers, and studies in Bahasa Indonesia, thus contributing significantly to the global knowledge exchange.

Cultural Exchange and Language Programs

Beyond symbolism, the recognition facilitates tangible cultural exchange and language programs between Indonesia and fellow UNESCO member countries. It is a strategic step toward fostering a deeper understanding of Indonesian culture and language, forging stronger connections on the global educational front.

Language Development Initiatives

The recognition is a resounding call to action, underscoring the imperative of language development initiatives within Indonesia. This is a demand to standardize and elevate Bahasa Indonesia’s proficiency in educational curricula, ensuring a gold standard of language education nationwide.

Digital Learning Resources

The elevation of Bahasa Indonesia’s status is a pragmatic shift that may lead to the development of a comprehensive array of digital learning resources in the language. This isn’t a distant possibility. Instead, it’s an immediate opportunity to expand online educational platforms, courses, and materials for a broader national and international audience.

Therefore, Bahasa Indonesia’s UNESCO recognition isn’t just a symbolic gesture but a strategic move that positions Indonesia at the forefront of global education. The impact on education isn’t a distant prospect. It’s an immediate reality with opportunities for academic collaboration, cultural exchange, and language development. As Indonesia embraces this recognition, the nation holds not just a key but a decisive role in shaping the future of its language and education on a global scale.

