FitR Mint Room

3 min readSep 14, 2022


In the Mint Room, players can use two eligible XPal NFTs to mint a new XPal Mystery Box. The two NFTs selected need to be in a non-sale state, have minting availability, and have full durability (100).

After a mint, there is a 48-hour cooldown period before the NFTs can be used again to mint, but they can still be used for exercises during this cooldown period. The instructions below provide a quick look of how the Mint Room works:

1. After entering the Mint Room, pick two of your XPal NFTs that have a minting quota left. The cost to mint a new NFT will be shown at the bottom. Players can choose to spend FXT or BNB for minting by simply switching the currency

2. Click on the button that shows the minting cost to start minting and you’ll receive a XPal Mystery Box. After receiving your MBox, select “Collect” to leave your MBox unopened, press “Open” to instantly open your MBox and receive your new XPal NFT!

3. Additionally, players now stand a chance (with a certain probability) to receive a second Special Edition MBox when they mint!

Special Edition Mystery Box Rariry Probability Chart

XPal Mystery Box Rarity Probability Chart

The Quality of the XPals used in the minting process affect the probability to produce different rarities of an XPal Mystery Box. The chart below shows in detail the probability to produce an XPal MBox with a certain rarity.

XPal Quality Probability Chart

The rarity of a MBox determines the probability of unlocking a XPal with higher Quality. The chart below shows in detail the probability to produce an XPal with a certain Quality for each type of MBox.

