XPal Introduction

2 min readSep 13, 2022

What is an XPal?

Keeping an XPal in your FItR Account is your ticket to earning rewards while exercising in FItR. XPals allow you to earn while Jumping Rope and during all future exercises in FitR, e.g boxing, yoga etc. XPals possess different attributes including Efficiency, Luck, Resilience and Speed.

There are XPals different attributes description in detail!


Starting with the movement score from each exercise session, the XPal’s Efficiency value is a multiplier in determining the total rewards. High Efficiency is the most direct factor for increasing rewards.


Resilience affects the decay rate of the Durability of the XPal. Higher Resilience will result in a slower Durability decay; requiring less FXT to renew the XPal.


There will be Treasure Chests randomly dropped to users when exercising. There are FXT, FMT, or NFTs (only FXT in current version) in the Treasure Chests. Luck determines the frequency and quality of a Treasure Chest drop.


Speed affects the frequency of getting bonus points when performing every move. The higher the Speed of the XPal, the more bonus points the player will earn during the workout session.

How does the airdrop take place?

The current JRope NFT will be replaced into a XPal NFT and a GBag (which can be opened to receive a JRope NFT). The current attributes of the JRope will be transferred onto the XPal NFT. The JRope NFT from the GBag will have a whole new randomly-generated attribute that boosts your performance only in the jump rope exercise.


