3 min readJul 15, 2015

Best Functional Fitness Workout Routines

The fitness study advocates the fact that the focus of workout these days is functional exercises that use multiple muscles and joints to improve endurance, strength, balance, posture and strength of an individual. These exercises are effective and prepare your body for everyday activities.

Here are best functional fitness workout routines to help you train your body for dynamic results — the way you intend it to be. You can perform as many reps as possible of each exercise in a minute. Take rest for 30 seconds after each pattern of exercise. Perform these best functional routines depending on your ability and fitness levels.

Caterpillar: Have your feet shoulder-width apart and stand tall with hands resting one each of the sides. Then lower your hips into a squat position while the hands are in front of feet and the palm resting on the floor support. Now walk hands until you are in pushup position so that a straight line is formed from head to heels. Rest in that position for a moment and move in the reverse direction to the starting position. For greater symmetry, try performing the functional workouts on one leg. Start off with only your right leg on the floor while staying in that position for about 30 seconds. Then switch to the left leg and perform the second move.

Lean Tower Workout: With your feet hip-width apart and arms extended out to sides, raise right knee to navel level until it forms a 90-degree angle with your body. While leaning forward at hips slowly rotate your torso and expand your right hand to the left foot. Stand still for a moment and go back to starting position, Make sure you keep the right leg off the ground while performing this functional workout. Finally, switch to the left leg.

Squat (Chop): With your arms extended overhead and fingers interlocked, stand still for a while and quickly jump off the ground. As you jump, make sure to land in a wide squat and the thighs are parallel to the ground. Swing arms toward right and left hip until they come to rest, exactly like performing a chopping motion, but with your arms. We suggest you jump higher while doing chop squats to increase strength gains.

Wimbledon Workout: While you are in a traditional lunge position, with right foot forward and left leg a few feet behind up jump as far as you can to the right side as possible. As soon as you land, jump back to the left. Perform this exercise for better muscle strength gain. Jump back and fro as you as land on the ground.

Plank Lift (Uni): Similar to Wimbledon, start in a traditional pushup position with your right and left leg raised an inch above the floor. Now quickly raise both legs facing parallel to the ground. Continue with uni plank left for 30 seconds and then switch to opposite arm and leg. One needs to keep the eyes focused on the floor in order to avoid physical stress.