Effective Upper Body Push Exercises for Building Strength and Muscle

Jun 23, 2023


Upper body push exercises are essential for building strength and muscle in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here’s a list of effective push exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals:

1. Barbell Bench Press

  • Targets: Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps
  • Benefits: Fundamental for upper-body strength, versatile with equipment options.

2. Overhead Press

  • Targets: Deltoids, Triceps, Upper Pectorals
  • Benefits: Enhances shoulder strength and stability, improves posture.

3. Push-Up

  • Targets: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
  • Benefits: Can be done anywhere, improves core stability and muscular endurance.

4. Sled Push

  • Targets: Full Body
  • Benefits: Builds explosive power, enhances cardiovascular fitness.

5. Medicine Ball Chest Press

  • Targets: Pectoralis Major, Triceps
  • Benefits: Develops chest power, useful for throwing and pushing movements.





Train insane or remain the same. Life is all about ups and downs, we call it squats. I bend so I don't break. Excuses don't burn calories.