Ultimate Upper Chest Workout with Cable: Build a Defined Chest

1 min readMay 14, 2023


For an upper chest workout using a cable machine, you can incorporate a variety of exercises that target the clavicular head of the pectoralis major. Here are some effective exercises:

  1. Cable Crossover: Start with the cables set low and stand in the center, pulling the handles up and across your body.
  2. Incline Cable Chest Press: Set the bench to an incline position and press the cables upward, focusing on the upper chest.
  3. Dual Cable UCV Raise: With cables set at the bottom, raise your arms diagonally across your body to form a ‘V’.
  4. Upper Chest Uppercuts: With low cables, perform an uppercut motion, engaging the upper pecs.
  5. Lean Back Cable Press: Lean slightly backward from a standing position and press the cables forward at an upward angle.

These exercises provide constant tension on the muscles, a wide range of motion, and help in muscle isolation for better definition and strength in the upper chest area. Remember to adjust the weight to match your fitness level and maintain proper form throughout the exercises to prevent injury. It’s also beneficial to consult with a fitness professional if you’re new to these exercises.





Train insane or remain the same. Life is all about ups and downs, we call it squats. I bend so I don't break. Excuses don't burn calories.