Why Promise Rings Are Bad: Exploring the Negative Side

Fit Traveller
4 min readJul 15, 2023

Promise rings have become a sign of dedication in today’s environment, which places a premium on romantic relationships and long-term commitments. These delicate jewelry pieces give the impression that they will last forever, but do they live up to their reputation? We will embark on an eye-opening journey today to investigate why promise rings are not the shining symbols of devotion they claim to be. We will peel back the layers and reveal the less romantic side of promise rings, beginning with the fact that they are not permanent and ending with the possibility that they will lead to unreasonable expectations. Dear readers, please tighten your seatbelts as we investigate the exciting question “Why Promise Rings Are Bad.”


In romantic partnerships, those teeny-tiny jewels known as “promise rings” have exploded in popularity recently. They may give the impression of being a brilliant symbol of devotion, but underneath their dazzling exterior lurks a dubious idea that deserves a more in-depth examination. In this enlightening piece, we will look into why promise rings can harm relationships, all the while shining light on the less romantic side of these popular gifts of affection.

Lack Of Commitment

Oh, dedication — that elusive and indefinable quality we all hope to acquire. However, promise rings only sometimes live up to expectations in this respect. In contrast to their more solemn equivalents, such as engagement or wedding rings, promise rings are not in any way legally or contractually binding, which means they do not signify a long-term commitment. They are more comparable to temporary tattoos than permanent ink tattoos, which leaves room for uncertainty and calls into question the level of commitment being made.

Expectations that cannot be met

Imagine this: you and your significant other are exchanging promise rings while your eyes sparkle with the hope and dream of being together forever. But hold on; there’s a snag in the plan. These glittering little circles have the potential to generate an entire world of unfulfilled expectations. Suddenly, you are faced with the challenge of determining how best to keep promises that may be about as attainable as a unicorn on roller skates. It is important to remember that a ring, regardless of how dazzling it may be, cannot ensure the success or continuation of a relationship. It’s like expecting a pot of gold to appear at the end of a rainbow — it’s a great concept, but let’s be serious here. There won’t be any gold.

Manipulation of Emotional States

The use of promise rings as an unanticipated instrument of emotional manipulation is described here. You understood what was said. These signals, which at first glance appear to be completely harmless, have the potential to become instruments of emotional blackmail within relationships. The ring’s symbolism can be used by partners as a means to guilt or control their significant other, similar to a master puppeteer tugging the strings of a puppet. What do you mean, “talk about romance”? But, to be serious, the foundation of a strong relationship is not playing mind games with jewelry but trust and genuine regard for one another.

Limiting One’s Own Personal Development

Oh, the beauty of first love when one is still young. On the other hand, promise rings have the potential to stifle a person’s development in some ways. Being preoccupied with romantic relationships at a young age is analogous to staring at a small fishbowl rather than diving into the wide ocean of opportunities waiting for you. This is because you need to take advantage of those opportunities. It is necessary to cultivate connections, but let’s keep sight of the fact that we should strive to achieve our particular goals and realize our desires. Inadvertently clipping those wings and keeping us confined in a gilded cage are two things that might happen when we wear promise rings.

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