
Maddy Fitzpatrick
4 min readSep 21, 2016


9/21 Start working on mind map. Spend about an hour. Spend some time thinking about what I want my “do something fun to be”.

9/22 Choose what my “do something fun is”.

9/23 Do my “do something fun” and add to my mind map.

9/24 Start working on my blog — think about what my three themes are going to be.

9/25 Start my 10 silly ideas.

9/26 Add to my mind map and sketches. Work on completing my blog.

9/27 Make sure everything is done for my blog.


Do Something Fun

For my do something fun project I decided to go roller blading. This is something that I have only done a few times in my life, so I thought it would be cool to try something somewhat new. I have seen people roller blade around campus it looked really fun.

Me remembering that roller skating is fun
Me remembering that roller skating is hard

Mind Map (image)

Throughout my mind mapping process I took screenshots of my work, to show how I went through the process.

Mind Map (digitization)

I did my mind map online the first time.

Suggested Themes

Three themes that I would be interested in exploring more deeply is mental health, diet and wellness centers. I think we should be exploring mental health because it is something that can affect every single person. There are many things (activities) that can be done to improve everyday mental health. For example yoga, therapy, exercise or medicine. All of these examples that I listed can be taken further and enhanced with some creative ideas and innovation. I also think diet is important theme to touch on because having a healthy diet is key to being an overall healthy person. Having a healthy diet can enhance both physical and mental health. I believe that there are many more advances to be made in this field. Right now people are using apps and fit bits to track their food intake, but I think coming up with an idea to advance these products would be life changing. Lastly, wellness centers are an important overall theme. There are so many different types of wellness centers that offer a lot of programs. There could be innovative ideas that could potentially help programs within the wellness center.

10 Silly ideas

