Anointed Wand
6 min readJan 21, 2016
Step right up to the greatest Crazy Town on earth!

Dear Un-‘Muricans,

I am writing in an effort to keep you abreast of how crazy things have become. I send this letter in great sadness, yet hopeful that our better angels will soon awaken from their mental stupor in an effort to provide reason to reemerge from the dystopian circus of lunacy that we all participate in.

This past week, the great spectacle that is the 2016 US Presidential campaign unveiled its latest flagship clown car, err . . . what I meant to say was, provided the American people, and world, another opportunity to get to know select candidates from within the intentionally cornered duopolistic system of ‘only Republicans and Democrats’ — who really aren’t that different in policy — who are allowed under the Big Tent.

The Republicans, once again, without missing a beat, jumped out clowning in their now well established SNAFU fashion. As tragically comedic as the entirety of their party has become throughout this century, anyone with a functioning hippocampus found the show to be just another example of how far down the rabbit hole those within the GOP have fallen. Should they succeed in electing the next president, the Red Queen shall undoubtedly rejoice from all the metaphorical severed heads to come both domestically and abroad. To no surprise, corporate media continued to stroke every one of their egos while some continued to stroke their id, providing voice to the asinine all in the name of profit for profit’s sake (i.e. praise for this century’s Great ‘Murican God, The Mighty $). As you know, this party isn’t worth paying attention to, other than to note how far ‘Murica continues to lose its way, so, informing you any further of their buffoonery will be unnecessary.

The Democrats, in their own now common practice, and, much like the Republican debate but with far less public outcry in proving to be either intentionally obtuse or just someone running as President Ignoramus, unleashed their own ‘fight for the soul of ‘Murica,’ err . . . America. Front-runner for the Democrats in the form of right-leaning, corporate hegemonic, so-called Democrat in word only, Hillary Clinton, whose personal vision of her liberal party is best represented in her ability to dole out hand-jobs to Goldman Sachs or any other corporate behemoth ready to pimp her wares — and yes, the Democratic Party as a whole continue to praise Obama for upholding this neoliberal “vision” — doubled down, once again, as right-leaning, corporate hegemonic, so-called Democrat in word only to much applause. Corporate media continues to support her in every way by foisting a claimed unbiased presentation, while at the same time, doing everything in their power to prevent the public from noting their eyes rolled in the back of their head from her exceptional ability in continuing to support the creation of hand-jobs . . . err, jobs, for themselves and all their crony corporate brethren.

Her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders, continued on with his own sell to the American people of some obscure move toward Democratic Socialism — you know, that system of government that we and many of the world’s nations already practice in varying degree. This progressive policy that he is being forced to explain to an apparently historically illiterate populace within, not just ‘Murica, but most importantly within the Democratic Party was initially embraced by Republican, Theodore Roosevelt, more than a century ago. Of course, this policy eventually became one of Teddy’s distant cousin’s - AKA FDR- most foundational domestic policy position as President in his own right and embowered for decades within the Democratic Party, only to be eventually shat on by someone’s husband, that “someone” who just so happens to be the Democratic front-runner. As has been the case, Bernie’s arguments continued to be a plea to reason, unfortunately, often times displayed as a frustrated Associate Professor needing to explain to his agape mouthed first year freshman a basic understanding of how America has a long history of doing really stupid things, but every once in a while does some really great and significantly meaningful things that benefit civilization and humanity for the better. Tragically though, the subject matter appeared to be far over the head of most within attendance when noting his counterparts ongoing applause and highest polling numbers, let alone the party as a whole, who appear to have given in to the notion that a society built around ‘trickle-down we do what we want’ -you know, neoliberalism, AKA unfettered capitalism on steroids and meth- masked as feminism, apologizes to no one for doing what we want. As has continued to be the case, corporate media muddles his policies by making good intentions and his well-reasoned approach too difficult to understand for the inattentive, and thus continue to obfuscate the entire so-called debate by making things either completely unintelligible, or, create the more simple default, a circus, which ‘Muricans absolutely love.

And then there was some other dude on the stage who has some decent ideas to counter Hillary and Bernie and seems a well-intended enough guy, but must know he is only days away from a boulder being dropped on his skull a la Piggy in Lord of the Flies. He is the token voice allowed to occasionally comment a middle path in an effort to prevent the Democratic Party from looking so polarizing in policy approach, yet still engendering social policies without needing to vociferously call them such as in the case of Sanders. He does just enough to obscure the very Democratic Socialism/Glass-Steagall busting, unfair so-called “fair trade” NAFTA/TPP policy debacle, criminally global cluster-FUBAR war-mongering, personal data mining profiteering/4th Amendment scraping policies that the Democratic Party as a whole attempt to tell the American people they do not support, but policy decision making/roll call voting proves they are nothing more than a conniving gang of disingenuous whores who would prefer to lie to their constituency’s face for political expediency, almost in the exact same manner as one would lie about getting a blow-job in the Oval Office, than to be honest about how they intend to provide hand-jobs . . . err, jobs . . . err, keep profits rolling in for themselves and their corporate pimps. Needless to say, by and far, corporate media pays no attention to him in the same manner in which they pay little attention to Sanders and thus conversely, neither do ‘Muricans, because, well, ignorance with a heavy dose of exceptionalism has proven to be the most successful offensive attack in proliferating a ‘trickle-down we do what we want’ social mindset, and, well, so the theory practices, what ‘Muricans don’t know is, apparently, best for ‘Murica.

In case you were wondering, there are 3rd party candidates in place who are actually running for President; platforms at the very least worth hearing and worthy of so-called “debate” time. But, as you know, the God of Profit and our embraced system of duopoly reign supreme as their voices remain intentionally infringed and silenced.

Of course, little of this should come as genuine shock or surprise. Regardless, I hope this letter finds you well and provides reason, until shown differently, to continue to look upon ‘Murica in the 21st century as a plague desperate for healing: the run for President of these United States of ‘Murica being one of practically countless examples of just how absurd our society has become. Therefore, in closing and fair warning to thus proffered, please, in honor and homage to the recent passing of David Bowie, stay afraid of Americans. . . err, ‘Muricans.


Just another ‘wish things were so much different and not in line with the God of Profit’ Un-‘Murican. . . err, American

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Thanks! colon close parenthesis

Anointed Wand

Umm…yeah. Words. And more words. Occasionally verbiage. Ultimately, ineffable, despite grand attempts.