Android Emulator is not Starting or booting up in Android Studio Jellyfish 2023.3.1.What can i do to run the emulator?

Ted James
May 12, 2024

Today,I updated my android studio to new update from iguana to jellyfish version.I checked the emulator in case of any error would happen and certainly does happened.The Android emulator AVD has no configuration file and when i tried to install a new AVD. It doesn’t work also.Can somebody help with this.

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Me too, I am facing can not run emulator in jellyfish

Answered By — Tuan Phong Phan

Answer Checked By — Clifford M. (FixIt Volunteer)

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0



Ted James

The world is my office, and every destination is my inspiration