Fizaah Faiyaz
3 min readNov 13, 2017



There was once a girl named Senorita. In her 25 years on earth, she had been in a relationship with only 3 guys – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

A year after Wednesday and she broke up, she got an invitation for Monday’s wedding. She didn’t want to attend it, but her best friend just said one thing – Senorita, if you don’t attend the wedding, then people will assume you still haven’t got over him. What a shame!

In the end, Senorita attended the wedding and it was a complete disaster. As she stepped onto the podium to congratulate the couple, Monday introduced her to his wife as ‘just a friend’. Senorita’s face turned into a red tomato and she was huffing and puffing wild with anger. It took a few minutes for everyone in the hall to realise that terming her as a friend was a big big mistake that Monday had commited. In no time, Monday’s mouth and entire face was being stuffed with cake forcibly by Senorita. To separate the two took a little while, but by then the whole reception was on fire. And I mean that figuratively.

The repercussion of this incident sent shivers down the small town that Senorita lived in. The elders of the town requested her parents to send the girl for counselling or no one from their family would ever be invited to any wedding. So, Senorita had no option but to attend counselling from her best friend’s brother — Dr. Jeb.

For a whole year, Senorita went for counselling to Dr. Jeb after which it looked like she had many many issues to sort out. At the end of the year, she got an invitation for Tuesday’s wedding, which was a destination one. Senorita didn’t want to go, but Dr. Jeb told her it was important for her to attend the reception in order to get closure.

In the end, Senorita attended the wedding and it was a complete disaster. As she stepped onto the podium to congratulate the couple, Tuesday introduced her to his wife as ‘just a friend’. Senorita felt the flush of anger again, but wise from the counselling, she knew what would happen if she didn’t do something soon. So, she smiled, took a picture and quickly got off the stage and out of the venue. In her hurry, she even forgot to give the couple their wedding present. With a big gift box of crockery set in her hand, Senorita hailed a cab and cried all the way to her hotel.

The next day she returned and fought and cried again with Dr. Jeb. A year later, still in counselling, she got an invitation for attending Wednesday’s wedding. Still uncertain of herself, she asked Dr. Jeb to be her plus one. I want you to be there with me, in case things got weird, she told him.

In the end, Senorita attended the wedding and it was a complete disaster. As she stepped onto the podium to congratulate the couple, Wednesday introduced her to his wife as ‘just a friend’. But, Senorita didn’t feel any anger at all. She stood on the stage confused like a lost puppy. In that instant, Dr. Jeb stepped forward and introduced himself to the bride and groom. As she felt Dr. Jeb’s comforting arm around her waist asking her if everything was ok?, she looked at him and realised everything was just perfect.

Needless to say, the following month Senorita stopped seeing Jeb as her counsellor and a year later the two got married on the condition that none of their exes would be called to their wedding.


