Why reading is so important

2 min readMay 15, 2023


Have you ever wondered why people tell others to read have you ever thought, what really is so interesting about reading?

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Well let me tell you short story sometime back I was not into reading, I used to wonder what made people want to read what is just so interesting about reading a bunch words writin on a paper holding little to no meaning to them, until I found what I was looking for a book! That i actually liked which made me obessed with reading! And no no don’t worry I am not about to suggest you a greek mythology or tell you to read something that holds no interest to you.

I simply want to tell you to read what you love until you love to read as there is a famous quote that says,

“If you don’t like reading you haven’t found the right book yet”

-J.K Rowling

If you couldn’t read that book it wasn’t mean’t to be read by you, what’s meant for you will eventually come to you, believe in that, and life will show its miracles.

Another thing is reading can build you as a person, perhaps lets say that you are a person that Is self opinionated but gets triggered when someone else gives an opinion irrelevant to yours.

Reading helps expand your mind. when you read you might not agree to the narrators opinion or point of view in the story; hell you might not even like the character but you will still continue to read, that way when someone gives you their opinion that you might not agree to, you will still listen attentively to them because you are open to all possibilities.

Reading makes you an open minded person, someone people would like to share things with, someone who is not quick to judge.




An introvert trying to inform people on things she wishes she knew sooner. Interested in psychology, self-improvement, books and a little bit of everything!