10 Harmful Effects Of Junk Food

Fizza Manzoor
4 min readOct 18, 2021


Are you addicted to junk food? Well yes! Junk food does look savory and its easy availability and inexpensiveness make it difficult for you to avoid it. That to say, tempting junk food with its minimal nutritious value make us overlook the effect it has on our health. From scrumptious burgers to fries, candies to fizzy drinks, all the snacks we find appetizing contributes to slow death. Even having general idea of its bad effects many people eat junk food just to save time but they don’t know the small affects often leads to chronic problems. So peeps! It’s better to have healthy diet now to save yourself from later regrets.

Eating junk food once in a while doesn’t hurt much but making it only source of food can have you in deeps troubles. To say, it can lead to many chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers. Well the high consumption of junk food play a cause role in these diseases. So let’s have a general awareness of the harmful effects that junk food has on our body.

What is Junk Food?

So what can be categorized as “Junk Food”? The food with minimum nutrition but high calories loaded with a lot of fats, sugars and salts that is readily available to be eaten, all the packaged food we take as snacks such as chips, juices, canned food while those fast foods such as pizza burgers also fall under this.

Harmful Effects Of Junk Food On Our Body

1. Leads To Digestive Disorders:

Well no one is unaware of ill-effects that junk food has on our digestive system. The food with its deliciousness but high carbohydrates make it difficult to be digested leading to increased blood sugar level and insulin.

2. Impacts The nervous System:

Consuming too much junk food can affect our mental health it can be leading cause of depression in many teenagers. The high content of salt in junk food often causes headaches and migraine in many people. While some people faces problems with their learning and memory.

3. Dental Issues:

All the fizzy drinks with high sugar content and fast food with high sodium content destroys the enamel of teeth and which is impossible to fix. While on the other hand, sweets lead to cavities. Keeping in mind, one should consider loosing teeth can be dreadful.

4. Weakens Bones:

Regular consumption of junk food mean less nutritional intake that leads to brittleness of bones. With the passage of time, it weakens the bones hurting our body which can have drastic effects on our daily life.

5. Leads To Cardiovascular Diseases:

Most of the junk food is made with animal-based products or is deep-fried. That means, higher the fat content higher the cholesterol level will be which ultimately leads to Obesity and high blood pressure affecting our heart health. It has been seen that people eating junk food on regular basis are more prone to getting heart attack or other heart related diseases.

6. Pumps up Blood Pressure:

High fat and sodium content of junk food greatly disturbs our body balance as high cholesterol level leads to obesity, it increases pressure on heart which increases our blood pressure. Higher blood pressure can be the leading cause of heart attack in many people.

7. Shortness Of breath:

Shortness of breath is a common problem found in people eating junk food on regular basis. Accumulated amount of carbohydrates, fats and sodium in our body increases our blood sugar level which causes obesity and diabetes reducing our stamina. All the health problems leading to shortness of breath will ultimately disturb our daily life.

8. Obesity:

Well, talking about junk food eventually ends on obesity. Why? Because junk food with minimal nutritional values and high fat content increases our cholesterol level leads to obesity. And our all major health problems circulate around obesity whether it is diabetes or cardiovascular disease compromising our normal daily life.

9. Makes Skin Dull Or Lifeless:

We surely know the affects that junk food has on our skin. The tremendous amount of carbs can surely disturb our body in many ways. The fluctuations in our blood sugar level may trigger acne. Well, who does not love eating French fries or potato chips but are they more important than skin? One can avoid junk food to dodge the acne patches, itchy or irritated skin.

10. Kidney Diseases:

It is one of the serious effects that junk food has on our body. Excessive consumption of junk food can lead to certain kidney problems. All the food we eat goes through our excretory system which finds it hard to eliminate the junk food which affects the normal functioning of our kidney.

