Being Boring Is A Sin

The Beauty-Bringer
4 min readMay 3, 2024


What Actors Know About Being Unforgettable

As an actor myself, I know one thing to be true about the industry:

Being boring is a sin.

You only have a few minutes to leave a mark. Be wrong. Be amazing. But never be dull. Being unforgettable is often the deciding factor between landing a role or languishing in anonymity. Some may refer to this ability to stick in people’s heads as the elusive ‘it factor’ or chalk it up to charm, but I prefer to describe it as the power to Enchant.

Enchantment is about drawing people in, creating a sense of wonder much like stumbling upon a magical forest amidst the grey cityscape or a Narnian wardrobe in a bland boardroom. Each individual possesses their own unique brand of enchantment, and it’s within our grasp to unlock it.

Today I’ll share 4 keys with you🗝️:

Unlock the power of your presence. Interested people are interesting people. In a world where attention is a precious currency, offering a person your full-bodied focus can feel as hypnotizing as a magnetic spell. Listening to the pulse of life around you draws people in like a subtle whisper. Presence is a discipline, which is why it’s so alluring — like with most disciplines, not many people have cultivated it. Even fewer people have turned it into an art. Showing up to interactions fully engaged and genuinely curious about the person before you is the antidote to boredom. If you stop treating people and experiences as ‘usual’, you will find the unusual. And that’s where life gets really juicy.

Embody the Beauty-Bringer. Crafting a distinct sense of style isn’t just about fashion — it’s about leaving an imprint on people before you utter a word. Style is power. Take a lesson from the most captivating characters in film; they rarely appear sloppy or uninspired. But I do want to clarify one thing: style isn’t the same as being trendy or expensive. True enchantment lies in embracing a unique expression of your inner essence. It’s about discovering what resonates with you, independent of fleeting trends or societal pressures. Enchanting individuals are not followers of trends; in fact, they are very often trendsetters, charting their own course with confidence and grace. So, play around! Try on different pieces and personas until you find a style that lights something up inside you.

Posture. Posture. Posture. It’s more than just standing tall; it’s a gateway to enchantment. As a budding actor in drama school, one of the first lessons imparted by my teacher was the importance of ‘standing in alignment.’ This simple posture consists of standing with feet planted hip-width apart, an open chest, and imagining a string pulling the crown of your head towards the sky. Standing like this not only straightened my spine but also instantly made me pay attention to the world around me. It is true that good posture conveys confidence and draws people towards you, but true enchantment goes beyond mere physical uprightness. It’s about openness — allowing oneself to be profoundly moved by the beauty and magic of life. Being enchanting thrives on vulnerability and receptivity, qualities that are reflected in your posture.

Linger on the things you love. People are drawn to people who are in love with their life. The key to living a more vibrant life? Embracing hobbies and passions wholeheartedly. Enchanting individuals understand the power of unabashedly loving what they love — be it belly-dancing, collecting perfume bottles, or crafting keychains. ‘Passionate’, after all, is the opposite of ‘boring’. So, let’s trade passive consumption for active creation, spending less time scrolling through screens and more time making memories. By infusing our daily lives with the things that get our engines going, we not only enrich our own experiences but also sprinkle a bit of enchantment into the world around us.

In light of the wonder of your existence, being boring is a sin. You have too many talents to share, skills to learn, people to meet, and magic to sprinkle to lead a life you’re bored with. Whether you’re seeking to leave your mark at a networking event or simply looking to add spice to a joyless daily routine, remember that the ability to enchant lies within you at all times. You are one of a kind. Make people see it.

lots of love,

The Beauty-Bringer🌺

*Don’t be shy. Drop what makes you unforgettable in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you✨ Thank you for reading!*



The Beauty-Bringer

Actor∣ Writer∣ Certified Whimsy Expert✨ Weekly tips to restore enchantment to your relationship with yourself and others