Are We There Yet? Type 1 Civilisation or Bust?

Numb & Number
3 min readJun 17, 2020


The Karma to Come.

Is there any originality left, has history really ended?

Is it really true as some politician once put it, there are only 2 certainties in life; death and taxes! Why? Why are we continuing to perpetuate a slave mentality. We are all slaves including those who choose to lead us with demagoguery, promises that are never true or fulfilled whilst at the same time they make a life out of selfish self interest.

We seem to thrive on buzzwords and catch phrases, memes, regurgitation of the same old same old pap and crap. Desperate wannabes wanting to make their name and a few bucks now given free rein. It is clear that history has not ended, we have fallen into a chaotic period where a new world order badly needs to establish itself. Will our ingestion of modern pollutants, frankenfoods and ever increasing amounts of CO2 lead us into the madness of Nero or Caligula?They are thought to have been been poisoned by lead water piping. Our cognition is being badly damaged. We are as mad as hatters.

We are probably about to enter a Grand Solar Minimum, Magnetic Pole Shift or Cosmic Bombardment and we couldn’t give a damn as we are too busy preening our ego on the internet. Take a look at the most popular tags and trends, yeah but no but…..

Yes we are insane. Lets get that clear right now ,like some self medicating junkie we are lurching into the madness yet to come. This is not some eschatological plea, it is an attempt to question our collective thinking.

Collective control has led us leemings charging for the cliff led by alpha posers in a projectile of vomit with all that remains behind is a disgusting bile of self serving interest. Isn’t it time that we took a long hard look at ourselves and drag ourselves into Type 1 Civilisation that we should be. I will talk about a number of concepts and will deal with food last as some monkey will want to hoard and not share. We got thus far with co-operation, yes humans are a co-operative species, how else have we perpetuated our genome?

If we have managed Bretton Woods to get us to here, made pacifists of aggressors, how about pacifying the homo sapiens, all of us collectively and not just some subset called Germans, Japanese or Koreans? The last remaining enemy is us. We have proved that we can be a very destructive and acquisitive lot. If the peace pays dividends why not extend it to us all?

We could achieve this by:

  1. Creation of free electricity for all. If electricity is free it will encourage saving of the life of the Earth particularly if it is generated using minimal damage.
  2. Governments to take control of the above so that we have a joined up coherent transport policy.
  3. Abolition of all taxes and debt.
  4. A debt jubilee. We only owe ourselves just like Governments used to.
  5. Abolition of shares, dividends, derivatives and all financial instruments creating money
  6. Governments to have sole money creating powers- to pay for education, healthcare, infrastructure and living income to all those that cannot earn by virtue of unemployment ,disability or old age do not earn enough to live.
  7. Governments to encourage research into ethical advancement by means creation of companies for the common good e.g. drug research. The necessary here is the abolition of patents why should the common good be monetized?
  8. Creation of a free and potable water supply for all.
  9. Creation of a one world currency.
  10. The decommissioning of all weapons of war including bioweapons.
  11. Free food. Only intoxicants such as alcohol and narcotics to have a cost.

I deliberately left free food till last as you are bound to get some monkeys hoarding but would they given the preceding points?

Would you rather continue to play musical chairs and rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic? If to quote the words of the song “There are more questions than answers, Pictures in my mind…” It is because there and we need to deal with the most pressing to state the blindingly obvious.

Please help me finance a think tank with a difference. Call it DoDo , the irony is that if dont dont we are as dead as the proverbial.

