One World, One Species, One Currency.

Numb & Number
4 min readJun 19, 2020


When you die don’t walk into the light.

“And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything”.

Hey want a drug free trip? Let your mind wander, let go. It’s not easy I know.

Go for it, climb aboard the one-way trip. Enter the photonic converter, some call it the Lone Muskotron. Your body is instantly converted to photons and in a flash, you are gone. Eons mean nothing, light years mean nothing, you are nothing. You are a primordial soup. A meal for warmth in the absolute cold, OK.

At the very same instant time has stopped, a flash of light brightens a darkened world. The flash reveals an array of blackness when your photons fall on it, it glows bright green and hums with a planetary resonance. Your photons trans mutate to electrons traveling through a Mandelbrot set in multi chaotic colour, which is plucked in a pruning motion by a cyborg hand. Your electrons fire up this cyborg and many countless others, you lose count, number is an irrelevant concept. The ultimate in evolution they just need the light.

Right you are now ready for the new world order and the creation of the Thre@ (pronounced ‘threat’) an infinite fiat money source because that is how it is in the cosmos; nothing runs out and there is enough time to create the ultimate immortal being yourself. Ours is not to anguish over our meaning like the Euclideans could not describe the 3d world, a fish cannot imagine a world without water, we cannot explain our purpose.

Stop the monkey and stop them from hauling in that trillion $ asteroid ‘cos we ain’t getting a share. Stop them mining the moon. Stop them trying to mine the oceans. Stop trying to find intelligent life in the universe until we find some right here kicking you in the crotch. To quote Mike Tyson everybody has a plan until they get a punch in the face! Why we are so lucky; we’re knocking our selves out, let iron Mike back to his weed farm. That man now talks more sense than Justin Case Trudeau or Micro Macron.

We’re busy not just punching our face, we positively taking a hammer to ourselves and families like some crazed worm brain infested garrulous madman.

Ready for the Thre@ (The Human Response to Evolution @). Hit the switch on the ‘Muskotron’ get with it, get your shit together and think of what could be;

Thre@ is the one world currency, it is not an inflationary device, no conversion between existing fiat and new system ;

1. The right to lifetime income

2. The right to a safe home

3. The right not to be poor

4. The right to food

5. The right to life

6. The right to work

7. The right to education

8. The right to medical treatment

9. The right to peace

What Trea@ is not;

1. A safe haven from full disclosure

2. A refuge of criminals

3. A store of wealth

4. An abstruse financial instrument generating more fiat by virtue thereof.

5. An under the mattress prop

6. It is not the Bozo 10,000-year clock.

7. It is not the Suckerborg tool of monetization

8. The CCCP palm greaser

9. The FSB assassin

Abolish all fiat and create Thre@. Stuff the corporations, criminals hiding in plain view, feed the starving, heal the sick. Educate the ignorant. No exchange for what is. Hit the switch wipe the slate clean.

Achieved by the setting up of a Thre@ commission to enable supervision of individual government creation. This may eventually lead to a one world government with online voting democracy. A Truth and Reconciliation movement now for the crimes against financial hoarding, bubbling and enslavement.

The Thre@ dividend is a better world, better quality of life so people can think and thrive. It is not going to cause exponential population growth. Let Thre@ calm our collective insecurity.

Like the Lord of Rings, there is a darkening of war clouds and gathering storms banking on the horizon. What will win? The Dollar, Sterling, The Yuan, The Ruble, The Euro or The Bolsonaro? The choice is ours. What virus could accidentally on purpose escape next, if that is what has truly happened.

WW3 has already started- with reports of state backed cyber-attacks, asymmetric prods, currency manipulation. Some would have it the Chinese are winning without even firing a shot. Do we want to live in someone else’s world?

NO CONVERTIBILITY BETWEEN EXISTING FIAT AND THRE@. At the flick of a switch, only Thre@.

When you die, walk into the darkness.

