The Kardashian Effect

Numb & Number
6 min readJun 20, 2020


Bum, Bum, Bums ,Botox, Tits and Pecs, scent to cover the stench

“The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into many pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.”

If a butterfly fluttering its wings in Wuhan could move the polar vortex to over the USA and the Kardashians make billions from form, style and image. Why can’t we disrupt the economic hegemony? We have been ensnared onto the treadmill of existence with the sweat of labour flying off to evaporate never to be seen again. Some place somewhere it has coalesced as pure rain. Laundered in books and records of unknown ownership.

When I was younger and I’m like talking a generation ago (30 years is a generation) why did people seem to have more time? Does time really seem to speed up as we age, is there a paradox here? Do we seem to think that because we have less of it left as we age? Are our resting heart rates increasing as we tense about what have we done? We are probably going to hit the barrier soon, whilst longevity has generally been increasing, is there a point in spending a few extra years sitting with a nappy on? While we obediently wait for our pills and the agency nurse to give us the unprescribed super virus.

Do we short time to the Web of the net?

I think that the trout pout may have been coming into fashion just about then to try and complete with sculpted biomass and 6 packs. Guys were starting to head to the gym, packing protein and steroids on their way. Those fish can be quite slippery to catch if you left your Wonga at home.

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t children want to be healthcare workers, train drivers, astronauts or engineers back then. We lied, we deceived, we pushed our kids to take on debts that could not be repaid as the scythes of technology and debt eviscerated our minds. As tech and AI got smarter, we got dumb and dumber. They took our money and sold us free dopamine screens, iphones and tablets.

We became the clickbait of tech with ever decreasing attention spans, unable to stand up to master drug dealers, dealing in the drug of fame, beauty, designer tosh. Fake news and ignorance are now spread faster than the truth and reality. We appear to be heading to a modern day global Sodom and Gomorrah.

The kids now want to get rich quick or die trying wearing Cucci, Prata or Mutton smelling of the same while driving supercars.

When the money runs out for the facilitators, we are the lenders of last resort with our governments deeming ‘they are too big to fail’. Money then knows no budgets or limits and helicoptered in unlimited supply. The fiscal sadists scream like banshees who is going to pay? It’s bleeding obvious Mr. Smith, Mr. Keynes, Mr. Friedman, Mr. Marx, Mr. Economist-we are going to pay and so will our progeny. Don’t break our hearts, we know the oppression of the vampire money sucker vacuuming the spillage of the drops before cleaning us out. Until there is no more money left.

When we are clean, they surprise us with another crisis, like a manic depressive, we are up one generation or two or until we forget like childbirth, we’ll do it again. If the patriarchal economists fix it so that we believe the zero-sum game again with the palliatives of cheap loans and mortgages. We ignore the fact that it is never a zero-sum game. We continue to create more debt, it’s a negative cynical, dehumanizing sort of game.

World debt is maybe $200 Trillion and more. Use that figure for a moment just for the sake of the exercise. Discount child labour and let us say we have a viable working of 3 billion. That means that every working man or woman owes from back of the drug packet calculations means that each worker owes c $30,000. This figure continues to increase. Whilst we cannot exactly measure world wealth, its only worth what someone will pay for it after we give the gorillas the gold, the ducks all the dollars and the fish the fine art. The naive conclusion that comes to mind is that we can only create debt. If the Alpha Centaurians arrived would they give us $5 quadrillion for the job lot so that we can shut up? (American quadrillion, the workers would all be millionaires). Rejoice put up the for sale sign.

We have built ourselves a hamster wheel of generation that is exhausting the spirit of our lives , those falling off making who is left on the wheel work harder and harder. Those that have will continue to have and acquiesce because to encompass letting go is a leap of faith too far. Jump, let’s do it like a pole vaulter one step at a time build up speed until we dig in the pole and fly over the hurdle of wealth and clear the bar of money.

The patriarchal economy is a busted flush, we have a problem? Easy fix, pump in money every crisis till it accumulates at the top of the food chain. Pure unadulterated cocaine fiat. Is this the summation of human achievement; that being a pile of cyber money orbiting us in case the cosmic bullet arrives?

As the male of the species will soon become redundant, it’s time to consider The Matriarchal Economy. Mother Earth always knew best. Mother creates and shares. Our wealth should be measured in happiness and each of us has our price.

As my sister once said to me you are rich when you have everything you need and want for nothing else. I would settle for that and just to put my own qualification, wealth is just a feeling.

We are dirt poor in mind when we see the poverty-stricken kids going blind, dying of starvation and disease while we quickly move on or look the other way. What have we done?

In the past we could kill the Patriarch and replace him with what turned out to be the same but a different name. We don’t need to kill anyone nowadays but still do so to project power and control. The enemy is a slippery like an electric eel hiding in its den, show yourselves and like the pole vaulter start with small steps enable and discharge to ground so no one is hurt;

Free Education, free healthcare and free electricity for starters. Our wish list is quite small and not hard to do once you build up speed you will instinctively know what is next. Giving is living, a waking dream.

Debt Jubilee starting with students and graduates. Why them, because we duped them into thinking they could get jobs if they were educated and by extension, a better the world. If the Kardashians can use the internet, we can too. Charity begins at home, Trump, Bolsonaro, Trudeau, Macron, Jinping, Modi and Putin are the same old, same old. They let go of the damn pole. Do we collectively have some kind of herd mind blank? The sheep are led by more sheep.

The people with money and time to think should be the disruptors now, not the background influencers but the doers. Clearly the influence has brought us to a hiatus, we already know the well-practiced escape route. Dare to try a different path. Be afraid of the past and now not the future. We can build a better future all you have to do is imagine. if we all imagine crystallization will occur rather like the 100th Monkey effect. Give it a try , it will cost you nothing.

