Book Summary for “Just for the Summer” by Abby Jimenez

Books with Ben
4 min readApr 23, 2024


Abby Jimenez’s charming romance book “Just for the Summer” delves into themes of love, self-discovery, and the intricacies of familial bonds. The narrative centers on Dani Porter, a foster mother to a teenage girl, as she negotiates the unexpected turns and turns of her duty, which brings her into contact with Jason Corwin, the girl’s endearing and unmarried uncle.

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Chapter 1: Unexpected Beginnings

We are introduced to Dani Porter, a prosperous food truck owner. When she decides to temporarily foster her best friend’s 13-year-old daughter, Luna, during the summer, her life takes an unexpected turn.

Chapter 2: Meet Luna

Dani and Luna get to know one another and start adjusting to their new living situation. Luna’s creative ability and reserved demeanor are emphasized.

Chapter 3: Jason Steps In

Luna’s uncle, Jason Corwin, is introduced. At first, he doubts Dani’s capacity to look after Luna, but he soon comes to appreciate her kindness and commitment.

Chapter 4: Building Bonds

Deeper ties are established as Dani and Jason discover they are enjoying each other’s company and Dani and Luna begin to bond over cooking.

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Chapter 5: The Beach Day

After spending a day at the beach together, Dani and Jason discover they are attracted to each other.

Chapter 6: Challenges Arise

Misunderstandings resulting from Luna’s social troubles during summer camp give rise to conflicts. Jason and Dani collaborate to support her in overcoming these obstacles.

Chapter 7: Deep Conversations

Dani and Jason’s friendship is strengthened and their affection for one another is deepened by their sharing of vulnerable and personal life stories.

Chapter 8: The First Kiss

After spending the evening stargazing, Dani and Jason share their first kiss, ushering in a new romantic chapter in their relationship.

Chapter 9: Family Tensions

The dynamics between Jason’s and Luna’s families are highlighted, and tension and emotional upheaval are brought on by surprise visits from Luna’s parents.

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Chapter 10: Revealing Secrets

When Dani learns that Jason has been holding a big secret about himself, it causes a rift between them for a while.

Chapter 11: Making Amends

Jason tries to win back Dani’s trust by offering an explanation for his behavior. They resolve their differences by concentrating on their true meanings for one another.

Chapter 12: Luna Opens Up

Luna and Dani develop a better understanding as she confides in him about her hopes and anxieties. This chapter emphasizes the idea of belonging and chosen family.

Chapter 13: Planning for the Future

Dani, Jason, and Luna begin making plans for a future in which they might live together as a family as the summer draws to a close. Dani confronts her commitment and loss phobias.

Chapter 14: A Promise of Forever

In the last chapter, Jason suggests a long-term relationship with both Dani and Luna. A powerful affirmation of love, family, and optimism comes at the end of the book.

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Abby Jimenez’s “Just for the Summer” masterfully conveys the spirit of unanticipated love as well as the pleasures and difficulties of creating a temporary family. The book explores the value of being receptive to life’s unexpected turns, the ability of love to overcome obstacles, and the significant effects of taking risks. This summer adventure of Dani, Jason, and Luna shows how transient circumstances may result in lifelong friendships, making it a gripping read for anybody who believes in the power of love and family.

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