2 min readDec 30, 2021


The world of crypto assets is indeed getting bigger and there are many types of crypto that continue to grow. This makes it difficult for us to choose which crypto project we think is ideal and suitable. This time I was interested in one of the cryptocurrencies and that was VICA.

The VICA project has a token called the ViCA token. This token uses the Ethereum network. And now, ViCA tokens are listed on many EXCHANGES.
And these exchanges include:
1. Coinsbit

You can see the ViCA Token distribution plan.

1. Burn 90% (1,800,000,000 ViCA).
2. For reserve ownership of 5% (100,000,000 ViCA).
3. For Liquidity of 3.2% (64,000,000 ViCA).
4. And the remaining approximately 1.4% (36,000,000 ViCA) for Initial Investor Distribution Quantity.

Those of you who like to trade crypto assets must also think about the security of the crypto you will choose. The VICA project certainly pays attention to its security system. The VICA system operates privately without any external exposure. So what are you waiting for, you can join here!

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