To Improve Fitness: Be Healthy First.

Allison Wojtowecz
8 min readAug 24, 2018
Picture taken by Abigail Bontempo

Check your priorities when it comes to your goals.

Most people are ready to jump into the gym when they first decide to get healthier. And that’s great! Movement is definitely a big part of being healthy.

However, that should only be the beginning of the progression. Once someone sees how good they feel with this new regimen, it usually doesn’t take long for them to start wanting to reach new goals in their workouts. Which, again, is great!

But sooner or later, many gym-goers hit a wall. Their fitness just doesn’t progress like it used to. Which, to some extent, is normal (this graphillustrates the lessening of “gains” in the gym over time, with more experience):

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This often feels like a decrease in return for people and it gets frustrating. Why aren’t you seeing results like you used to?

Or even worse… why do you feel like you’re losing progress and getting weaker, even though you’re working out more than ever?

It might have to do with your health.

The fastest way to get fit



Allison Wojtowecz

Founder of Flabs to Fitness, actress, stand-up comedian. Loves Texas, Travel, and something else that starts with a T. I'm sure of it.